Page 10 - P&G Cards EHB
P. 10



                       If you become pregnant or are adopting a child you should notify your Department Manager at
                       an early stage so that the statutory maternity and adoptive leave provisions can be explained
                       to you.

               B)      PARENTAL LEAVE

                       You may be entitled to unpaid parental leave, depending on the age of your child(ren) and
                       your length of service with us.  If you wish to take unpaid parental leave, you should notify
                       your Department Manager so that any entitlement can be explained to you.


                            If you need to take time off work for urgent, emergency or unforeseen family reasons, you
                       may  be  entitled  to  a  limited  amount  of  paid  leave  in  accordance  with  the  current  statutory
                       provisions.   The  statutory  entitlement  to  ‘force  majeure’  leave  may  arise  where  your
                       immediate  presence  with  a  near  relative  (your  child,  spouse  or  partner,  sibling,  parent  or
                       grandparent) is required as a result of his/her injury or illness in unforeseen circumstances.  It
                       is your responsibility to apply for this leave as soon as possible following your return to work.
                       Further details are available from your Department Manager.

               D)      CARER’S LEAVE

                       You may be entitled to carer’s leave, depending on whether you meet certain Social Welfare
                       criteria and your length of service with us.  If you wish to take carer’s leave, you should notify
                       your Department Manager so that any entitlement can be explained to you.

               E)      JURY SERVICE

                       If  you  are  summoned  to  Jury  Duty  you  must  inform  your  Department  Manageras  soon  as
                       possible and produce the jury summons. If you are summoned for Jury Duty on a scheduled
                       working  day  you  should  provide  evidence  of  attendance  at  Court  to  your  Department
                       Manager.  Where you are called for Jury Duty you will be entitled to time off with pay for the
                       required length of time.  If you do not have to attend court, you are expected to report to work
                       each day.

               F)      WITNESS DUTY

                       Where you are required to attend as a witness, no payment shall be made by the Company.

               G)      BEREAVEMENT LEAVE

                       Individuals' reactions to bereavement vary greatly and the setting of fixed rules for time off for
                       the  death  of  a  close  relative,  for  example  spouse,  child,  parent,  brother,  sister,  in-law,  is
                       therefore  inappropriate.    In  such  cases  you  should  discuss  your  circumstances  with  your
                       Department Manager and agree appropriate time off, which may be with or without pay.

               H)      TIME OFF IN LIEU

                       Your Department Manager must approve any request for time off in lieu to be worked and/or
                       when it is to be taken.  All staff are required to keep an accurate record of their hours worked
                       and will be provided with a time sheet for this purpose. Time off in lieu must be recorded in
                       the TL sheet.

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