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               A)      PERSONAL INFORMATION

                       Our decision to offer you employment took into account the personal information you provided
                      to us on the basis that it was correct and complete.  In the event of such information proving
                      to be untrue or misleading, we reserve the right to terminate any employment contract offered.

               B)         PROBATIONARY PERIOD

                           You join us on an initial probationary period of six months.  This does not prejudice our right to
                       dismiss  in  accordance  with  the  notice  provisions  contained  in  your  individual  Statement  of
                       Main Terms of Employment (form SMT), or without notice for reasons of gross misconduct,
                       should this be necessary.  During this period your work performance and general suitability
                       will be  assessed and, if it  is satisfactory,  your employment  will continue.  However,  if  your
                       work performance is not up to the required standard or you are considered to be generally
                       unsuitable  we  may  either  take  remedial  action  or  terminate  your  employment,  without
                       recourse to the disciplinary procedure.  At the end of your probationary period you will again
                       be assessed and, if satisfactory, you will become a member of our regular staff.  If you have
                       not reached the required standard we may either extend the probationary period in order that
                       remedial  action  can  be  taken  or  terminate  your  employment.  At  any  stage  during  your
                       probationary  period  the  Company  reserves  the  right  to  address  disciplinary  misconduct
                       matters  through  probationary  review  assessments.  We  reserve  the  right  to  bypass,  at  our
                       discretion,  any  step  in  the  disciplinary  process  in  view  of  your  probationary  status  or  to
                       terminate your contract with notice, if we feel that the severity of the action warrants it.  We
                       will be fair in the application of such discretion.  Any continuous period of absence of four
                       weeks or more will suspend your probationary period until your return to work.

               C)      JOB DESCRIPTION

                       You  have  been  provided  with  a  job  description  of  the  position  to  which  you  have  been
                       appointed but amendments may be made to your job description from time to time in relation
                       to  our  changing  needs  and  your  own  ability.    It  may  be  necessary  for  you  to  perform
                       alternative duties within the business.

               D)      INDUCTION

                       At the start of your employment with our Company you are required to attend/complete an
                       induction session during which all our policies and procedures (including Health and Safety)
                       will be explained.  Information relating to these will be given to you at the induction.

               E)      EMPLOYEE TRAINING

                       At the commencement of your employment you will receive training for your specific job, and
                       as your employment progresses your skills may be extended to encompass new job activities
                       within the business.  Any training needs should be raised with your Department Manager.

               F)      TRAINING AGREEMENT

                       The  Company  has  a  policy  of  encouraging  its  employees  to  undertake  training  in  order  to
                      further their career within the Company.  This will include assisting with costs of the training.
                      However, in the event of termination of employment, for whatever reason, the Company will
                      seek  reimbursement  of  the  costs  in  line  with  the  Training  Agreement.    Further  details  are
                      available separately.

               G)      PERFORMANCE AND REVIEW

                       It is our policy to conduct annual appraisals and will endeavour to meet with you to discuss
                       your performance as well as your role within the Company.

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