Page 55 - Visage Hair Employee Handbook.REV.1
P. 55
Personal Use
The Company’s electronic communications, email and internet services are to be used for business-
related purposes only. Under no circumstances can access to Company Wi-if be afforded to any non-
member of staff.
Email and Messenger Services
The primary purpose of the Company’s email and messenger system is to promote effective
communication on Company business matters. Authorised users may be granted access to email
services subject to the requirements of their role within the Company.
• Users must respect the privacy of others at all times and only use email accounts that have
been issued to them.
• Users who use the email system for personal use must ensure they present their
communications in such a way that it is clear to the recipient that the email is of a personal
nature and is not a communication on behalf of the Company.
• Users should be careful when using their Company email account to send personal messages
that their words or actions do not have a negative impact on the Company in any way.
• Only email facilities provided by the Company may be used in connection with an individual
user work for the Company. The use of third-party web-based email services for the
transmission of Company confidential or restricted information is strictly prohibited.
• Access to third party web-based email servers is not allowed using the Company network.
However, email messages can be sent from the Company network to third party web-based
email servers, but it should be noted that this is not a secure method of sending information.
• For security reasons users who regularly receive Company confidential or restricted
information via email must not forward their Company email messages to their own personal
third-party web-based email account.
• Users should ensure they keep their personal email messages separate from their Company
business related email messages.
• All email accounts maintained on the Company’s email system are the property of the
• Users leaving the employment of the Company must ensure they forward on all important
business-related email messages to their line manager or work colleagues before they leave
so that there is no disruption to service delivery after they leave. They should also ensure they
remove or delete all personal email messages (i.e. email messages which are of a personal
nature and are not Company business related) from their mailbox before they leave as it may
not be possible to get a copy of these once they have left the Company.
• During planned periods of absence such as career breaks, holidays or on training courses users
should ensure where practical, their mailbox is put on divert to one of their colleagues so that
there is no disruption to service delivery.
• Email carries the same legal status as other written documents and should be used with the
same care.
• Email is capable of forming or varying a contract in the same way as a written letter. Users
must be careful when wording an email, so it cannot be construed as forming or varying a
contract when this is not the intention.
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