Page 61 - Visage Hair Employee Handbook.REV.1
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photographic identification at the time of testing, for example organisation I.D. card or driver’s
licence. Should an employee refuse to adhere to the Company’s request to intoxicant testing the
employee will be sent home. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in the company
invoking the disciplinary procedure.
The following tests may be conducted:
• alcohol: urine sample, breathalyser, blood sample or saliva swab
• drugs: blood, urine or hair sample
This list is provided for illustrative purposes only and is not exhaustive.
Once the test has been conducted the employee may be suspended, without pay, until the full
laboratory analysis is returned. This is not considered disciplinary action. The employee is prohibited
from attending the work place during this time. Once the test results have been received the
employee will be asked to attend a meeting with his/her supervisor/manager and/or a member of
the HR team. The outcome will be dependent on the test results but may involve referral to the
Company’s employee assistance programme, counselling, initiation of the disciplinary procedure or a
performance improvement plan or alternative action.
If you wish to take up a collection, sell raffle tickets etc. within the Company, for whatever purpose,
you must first obtain the approval of a MANAGER.
Notices or posters may not be displayed on or within Company premises without the prior permission
of a MANAGER. Similarly, documents or notices, which are not directly relevant to work, may not be
circulated without prior permission.
If you incur any expenditure on behalf of the Company, you will be reimbursed, provided that the
expenditure has been wholly, exclusively and reasonably incurred on Company business and has been
approved by a MANAGER. Any claims for reimbursements of business expenses should be made as
soon as possible, such claims must be accompanied by VAT receipts. Original receipts should be
attached to the claim (i.e. credit card receipts are not acceptable). VAT receipts are expected for all
3.25.1 Purchasing materials from the Company
Employees seeking to purchase materials or equipment from or through the Company must do so
only with the expressed permission of a MANAGER.
All money outstanding must be paid either within 30 days of receiving the materials or, by special
prior agreement with a MANAGER only, be deducted in stages from your wages.
The company reserves the right to refuse to an employee request to purchase materials based on
the overall value of the order and the potential liability to the Company.
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