Page 66 - Visage Hair Employee Handbook.REV.1
P. 66

               The procedures to follow in the event of evacuation are demonstrated during statutory training and
               at regular intervals by means of a fire drill. It is necessary for you to familiarise yourself with these

               5.7 NEW EMPLOYEES
               On joining the Company all new employees will be informed about health safety and welfare issues
               during their induction.

               5.8 VISITORS/CONTRACTORS
               Responsibility for the safety of visitors and ensuring that they are aware of the Company's Health
               Safety Policy, including the fire evacuation policy, rests with a MANAGER.

               COMPANY is committed to sustaining an engaged and agile workforce. The Company aims to support
               staff to take more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing so that they can reach their full
               potential in the workplace and live healthy and balanced lives. This includes mental and physical
               health, financial, family and personal growth.

               5.9.1 Objectives
               Our workplace health and wellbeing policy looks at how work and work surroundings may affect an
               individual’s health and also how their health may in turn affect their ability to cope with work. The
               emphasis is on preventing the development of workplace health-related accidents and disease and
               empowering staff to promote and protect their own health. Current measures include but are not
               limited to:

                       •  Pre-employment screening to determine the health status of potential employees taking
                          into account the demands of the job in question

                       •  Other services such as vision and hearing screening, sickness absence management,
                          manual handling advice and training, advice on compliance with legislation, provision of
                          appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), employee assistance programmes,

               Efforts to improve employee health fall into three broad categories which require sustained
               commitment from across our entire workforce:

                       •  Improving the work environment and conditions of work
                       •  Focusing on culture and health promotion policies within the organisation and ensuring
                          they are implemented

                       •  Raising awareness about health issues and building the capacity of employees within the
                          organisation to maintain and promote their own health

               5.9.2 Related Polices
                       •  Grievance Procedure (3.2)

                       •  Harassment and Sexual Harassment policy (3.3)

                       •  Bullying policy (3.4)
                       •  Equal Opportunities policy (3.5)

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