Page 68 - Visage Hair Employee Handbook.REV.1
P. 68
Second-hand smoke, also known as Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) or passive smoke is a cause
of disease, including lung cancer and heart disease, in third parties. Neither the simple separation of
smokers and non-smokers within the same air space, nor the provision of ventilation, can eliminate
exposure to second-hand smoke and the consequent health effects of such exposure. This policy
applies to electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigarettes or vaping) also.
The Company accepts that employees may wish to smoke on their normal breaks granted in
accordance with the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997. However, the Company in no way
encourages you to smoke and no additional rest periods will be authorised for smokers.
This policy has been developed to protect all employees, service users, customers and visitors from
exposure to second-hand smoke, to ensure compliance with legal obligations and to ensure a safe
working environment.
It is the policy of the Company that smoking will be strictly prohibited inside and around all company
premises (including canteen facilities and bathrooms, etc.) at all times. Employees are forbidden to
smoke outside Company premises and shops as this contravenes our smoke free image.
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, customers and visitors.
Overall responsibility for policy implementation rests with a MANAGER or other person, for the time
being, in charge of the premise. All employees' have an obligation to adhere to and facilitate the
implementation of this policy.
The person in charge shall inform all existing employees and contractors of the policy and their role in
the implementation and monitoring of the policy. All new and prospective employees and contractors
shall be asked to review this policy during their induction.
Infringements by employees will be dealt with, in the first instance, under the Company's disciplinary
procedures. Employees, contractors, customers and visitors who contravene the law prohibiting
smoking in the workplace are also liable to prosecution.
Stationery and other Company equipment must only be used for the purposes of your employment.
Any use of stationery or equipment, which is not authorised or relevant to your job, may result in
disciplinary action.
Company electronic equipment and devices are critical assets that are intended for business use.
Electronic files and communications created, stored, sent or received through company
systems/equipment belong to the company. System users are expected to be responsible, considerate
and ethical in using company systems, to protect valuable company information and to exercise
prudent judgement. Misuse of company systems may result in restriction or termination of access
privileges and other disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
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