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 We can help on the jobsite,    Order, manage your
 on the phone or at a Hilti Store   inventory and
 near you  access technical data

 At your service

 We can help    We can help on the phone   We can help at a Hilti Store   Order and track    Manage your    Access technical data &
 on the jobsite  and online  near you  your delivery  inventory                 design software

 Our local Hilti representatives can    We’re here to answer your questions,   You can also visit one of our Hilti Stores   You can buy all your Hilti products   You can access your full order    You can access lots of technical
 visit your jobsite and work with you to   take your orders, organize tool repairs   – you can find products off the shelf,   online 24/7, whether you’re in the   history and favorites list to keep    advice, from technical documents
 find the right solution for your job.   and help with other requests.   get help from our experienced Hilti staff   office or onsite – all from your phone,   track of your purchases and your    about our products and engineering
 and ask for a product demonstration.   computer or tablet.  most important Hilti products.  design to an extensive technical
 We can help to find solutions,   We’re open from 8am to 5pm Saturday            library including BIM/CAD objects.
 particularly for complex situations,   to Thursday.    You can also bring your tools in for a   Find out what’s in stock, track-and-  You can also manage your fleet
 bringing our own experience and       service – so that we can check them   trace your delivery or if you need   of tools online with our Hilti Fleet   You can watch videos showing how
 know-how of Hilti applications.  and suggest the best course of action.  something urgently, buy online and    Management service.  to use Hilti products and you can
 For tool repairs – just call us and we’ll
           pick up your products just one hour                                  get up-to-date information on all our
 arrange a pickup free of charge without
 We can also give onsite    later at your closest Hilti Store.                  latest products.
 delay. Our tool repair service aims to
 demonstrations of our products.
 get your tools back to the jobsite within
           We’re also here to help if you can’t find                             You can also book our technical
 3 working days.
           something. Just chat online with our                                 seminars and training programs, find
           customer service team, or ask for a                                  out about onsite testing, detection
 Contact us at our toll free number
 800-HILTI (44584)    call back during office hours.                             and calibration services – and access
                                                                                our PROFIS software for your 3D
                                                                                building designs.

 Visit the local website for more information on products and services
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