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          OR FREE*.
 Hilti ON!Track:
 the complete, professional,
 cloud-based asset management   Hilti Tool Service,
 solution  simply unique in the UAE

 Hilti services  Hilti tool services

 About ON!Track  Your tool is back before you
          know it!
 Hilti ON!Track is the professional solu-  Rather than questions, ON!Track   Hilti ON!Track also helps you to manage
 tion for keeping track of your plant and   supplies you and your employees with   health and saftey: all the required and
 materials, especially for contractors   answers - and reliable information. You   existing certificates, as well as mainte-  When you buy a Hilti tool, you get more   At Hilti, we repair your Hilti tool in 3 days  Each Hilti tool is registered: no proof of
 who operate across multiple sites and   know just what equipment is available   nance and training dates, are easy to   than just a tool. You also get the su-  or repair it free of charge. We take care   purchase to be provided.
 locations. Thanks to our cloud-based   at your building site, where it is, what   record, store and access. The systems   per-fast Hilti tool repair service.  of collecting your Hilti tool at your office,  Super Fast.
 software, every piece of available equip-  condition it is in, and which employee is   can also automatically remind key users   on the jobsite or in Hilti stores and return  Pleasantly Predictable.
 ment may be recorded, registered, and   currently responsible for it.  when critical certification or training has   to you onsite as well.  Incredibly Simple.
 efficiently managed.  expired for any employee or asset.

        Unique Speed.                      Unique Simplicity!                 Unique Coverage!

        Hilti tool service guarantees you an   Just Dial 800-HILTI (44584) and we’ll   Our Hilti Tool Service is uniquely pre-
        unmateched tool turnaround time. Your   take care of the rest. From on-site pick-  dictable, so there’s never any financial
 Five steps for efficient equipment management  tool will be serviced and cleaned in 3   up to on-site delivery.  guess-work.
        working days flat. If it takes longer, your
        repair is free of charge.                                             Up to 2 years no cost, including wear
 1. Consulting and analysing the    2. Developing a tailor-made solution:   3. Implementing ON!Track at your    and tear, pick-up and delivery.
     current situation:       company:                                                       *
 You decide which employees should
 For companies, it’s a major decision   be authorised to register and process   The Hilti implementation team helps you   After 2 years, repair costs are capped -
 to introduce a new system for man-  equipment in the system. Together   with the tagging of all your equipment   no exceptions!
 aging equipment. Hilti supports you   with you our software team adapt your   with robust barcoded tags built for the   *
 throughout the process and even after   ON!Track account to your individual   construction industry and then register   Lifetime warranty against parts and
 the system’s introduction. To start, we   business needs.  them to your system. The cloud-based   manufacturing irregularities.
 carry out a comprehensive analysis of   solution does not need to be installed
 your business processes and existing   on your computer. After logging in, the
 equipment.  data can be immediately accessed
 at any time via a web browser and is
 always up to date. Thanks to our us-
 4. Training your employees:   5. Let’s get started:   er-friendly smart-phone app, which you
 simply install on your mobile device, you
 Hilti ON!Track Field Specialists conduct   You can now start working with   can also retrieve all ncessary informa-
 a comprehensive training session so   ON!Track. For your business, this   tion on-the-go.
 that you and your employees learn all   means: more efficient and transparent
 the functions of the ON!Track web and   processes, lower costs and a better
 mobile app, and how to use them best.  overview of where your equipment
 is located. You’ll also receive reliable
 information on which devices are in use
 or being repaired. With accurate data,
 you’ll be able to optimise their workload.

 Visit the local website for more information on products and services        *Terms and conditions apply.
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