Page 19 - Guidelines for Voluntary Organisations re-COVID 19 - 29th October 2020
P. 19

Premises which have have outdoor outdoor restaurants/snack‐bars and and have have a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a restaurant restaurant license will be able to open in in in accordance with the the guidelines issued by Public Health and and the the Malta Tourism Authority for outdoor outdoor catering establishments Keeping Volunteers Safe and limiting the spread of COVID-19
Administrators volunteers and and and members should should limit their presence in in in the the the VO premises to to the the the minimum required and and and should should do work remotely from home where and and and when possible When administrators volunteers and members visit the the VO VO premises the the VO VO must:
• ensure physical distancing by keeping a a a a a a a a a a a a a distance of at at least least 2 2 metres between people • encourage all persons to to frequently wash their hands for at at at least least 20 seconds with soap and and and and water or or by using an an an an an alcohol-based hand hand sanitiser and and and to to to to practise good hygiene • be aware of of of of how to to to spot COVID-19
symptoms (fever cough sore throat shortness of of of of breath headaches tiredness muscle pain loss loss of of of of taste loss loss of of of of smell and and diarrhoea) and and make sure workers
do not come to work if they are unwell • make sure the the the premises premises is is is is regularly cleaned and and disinfected • have signs and and and and posters around the the the the the premises premises to to to remind workers
and and and and others of of the the the the the risks of of COVID-19
and and the the measures that are necessary to to to stop its spread 6
Social Distancing at the VO Premises As advised by the Public Health Authorities it it it is is is is is is is essential that social social distancing distancing is is is is is is is practiced in in in in in a a a a a a a a a a a a a a consistent and effective way in in in in in in order limit possible spread of COVID-19
For this reason steps for social social distancing distancing in in in in in in the VO premises include:
• stop shaking hands to to greet others • do not hold/cancel non-essential meetings meetings • hold hold meetings meetings meetings via video conferencing or or or phone call • do not organise large meetings meetings meetings (more than six persons) and reschedule to a a a a a a a a a a a later date • hold essential meetings meetings outside in in in the open air if possible • promote good hand hand sneeze and and and cough hygiene • provide alcohol-based hand hand rub for all staff • close down the volunteer canteen and and and locations where large numbers of persons may meet and and and congregate • regularly clean and disinfect surfaces that many people touch • open windows or or or adjust air conditioning for more ventilation • avoid food food handling and and sharing of food food 6
www covid19health gov mt
Guidelines for Voluntary Organisations re-COVID-19
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