Page 20 - Guidelines for Voluntary Organisations re-COVID 19 - 29th October 2020
P. 20

One must must must insist that if you you you you can can work work from from home home home If you you you you cannot work work from from home home home and and and you you you you are sick you you you you must must must not not attend the the volunteer premises and and and must must must stay at at at home home home and and and away from others Make sure your premises are clean and hygienic
To limit and and and stop the the the spread of of of COVID-19 one must give high priority to to cleanliness and and and hygiene not only of of of persons but also of of objects and and and furniture in in the the the premises It is is therefore very important that:
• Surfaces (e (e g g g desks and and tables) and and objects (e (e g g g equipment telephones keyboards) need to be wiped with disinfectant regularly • Promote regular regular and and and and thorough handwashing by administrators volunteers members contractors suppliers and and and and and visitors Make sure they they have access to to to to places where they they can wash wash their hands with soap and and water • Place dispensers dispensers of sanitizing hand rub (70% alcohol) in in in prominent places around the the workplace accessible to to all workers and and and and customers Make sure these dispensers dispensers are regularly refilled • Download and and and display posters on Covid19 promoting handwashing from www covid19health gov mt • Combine this with other communication measures including guidance from occupational health health and safety officers • Request assistance from Public Health authorities if necessary Why? Because hand hand washing and and and and alcohol sanitization kill the the virus on on your hands and and and and prevent the spread of COVID-19 Getting your organisation and premises ready to operate with community spread of COVID-19 When When the the the Public Health Authorities advise Voluntary Organisations will start gradual opening opening of of their their premises premises and their their their operation When When this this opening opening commences VOs should be vigilant of of of potential community spread of of of the the the COVID-19 within their their organisation/premises For this this reason every VO VO needs to to be aware and prepared to act accordingly should a a a a a a a a a a a a a situation of of possible persons falling ill 7 www covid19health gov mt 20 Guidelines for Voluntary Organisations re-COVID-19

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