Page 11 - Feb 2023 News On 7
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RIC BRESEE MPP                                             CLOYNE PIONEER MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES
     Great news!!                                               Looking  for  a  great  summer  job?  The  Cloyne  and  District
     The  Ontario  Government  is  putting  $4.75  million      HIstorical Society is seeking two more summer students for
     toward  expanding  a  virtual  walk-in  counselling        the 2023 season. The Cloyne Pioneer Museum and Archives
     program  for  children  and  youth  across  mental         will be the work location.      The  starting  date  will  be
     health services. The One Stop Talk program allows                                          around  the  last  week  of
     youth  to  talk  to  a  clinician  by  phone,  video                                       June  through  to  Labour
     conference, text and chat without an appointment.                                          Day  (about  10  weeks).  We
                                                                                                pay  $16.00/hour  with  a
                                                                                                work  week  of  36  hours
                                                                                                totalling 360 total hours.

     Want  to  help  your  neighbour?  Central  Hastings  Support
     Network is looking for volunteer drivers! Our clients need
     assistance getting to medical appointments, job sites and
     more.  Our  drivers  are  volunteering  their  time  but  are
     generously  reimbursed  for  expenses  (not  classed  as
     income). For more information please call us at 613-473-
     5255 or visit our website Help us get people
     WHERE they need to go, WHEN they need to go. Join the
     team, call us today!
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