Page 15 - Jan 2024 News On 7
P. 15

                              "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win
                              the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 3:13-14
                              Every January, as I anticipate what the new year has in store, my heart fills with with a mix of
                              excitement and contemplation. It’s a time when I find myself looking forward to the possibilities
                              and goals that lie ahead, but also reflecting on the sacrifices and commitments required to turn
                              those dreams into reality. This realization has been a profound lesson for me, teaching me that

     for every worthwhile achievement, there must be a willingness to let go and make sacrifices along the way.  Reflecting
     upon my own journey over the past year, I’m reminded that growth often comes hand in hand with unexpected sacrifices.
     It requires surrendering my own desires and ego, and embracing the path that God has laid before me. This surrender has
     not always been easy, as it meant letting go of control and facing uncertainty. Yet, it has been through these sacrifices that
     I have witnessed the transformative power of God's grace at work in my life.

     One  of  the  main  things  God  has  emphasized  to  me  over  the  past  year  is  the  importance  of  finding  a  balance  between
     productivity, purpose, and peace. While I value productivity and strive to make the most of my time, I also understand that
     constantly pursuing productivity can lead to burnout and a lack of peace in my life. This has led me to realize that true
     productivity is not solely measured by the number of tasks we accomplish or the goals we attain. It involves ensuring that
     our actions are in harmony with our values and passions. By prioritizing what truly matters to us, we experience a sense of
     fulfillment and purpose in all that we do.

     Therefore, I am learning to create space for moments of rest, reflection, and rejuvenation. Like many others, I yearn for
     more meaningful experiences and a sense of fulfillment, yet my busy life can easily become cluttered with unnecessary
     commitments.  To  prioritize  what  truly  matters,  I  must  learn  to  say  no  to  things  that  do  not  align  with  my  values  and

     This endeavor is challenging, as it requires setting boundaries and making choices that may be met with resistance or
     disappointment from others. However, through intentional sacrifices in favour of what brings joy and fulfillment leads me
     toward a purposeful, meaningful, and more peaceful life.

     Peace, for me, is not just the absence of chaos or conflict; it is a state of inner serenity and tranquility. It is about finding
     solace  in  the  midst  of  life's  demands  and  chaos,  and  intentionally  nurturing  my  mental  and  emotional  well-being.  By
     prioritizing peace, I hope to create space for clarity, reflection, and a profound connection with God, my loved ones, and
     the world around me.

     So, what do you want to prioritize in 2024? Creating a list of priorities can help bring clarity and guide your decision-
     making process. By regularly reviewing and reassessing your choices, you can ensure that you stay aligned with what truly
     matters to you.

     Remember that saying no to distractions, whether they are wanted or unwanted, may require sacrificing certain things.
     But in doing so, you can stay on track with your priorities and make progress towards your goals.

     Take a moment to think about your personal journey of self-growth over the past year. Imagine letting go of anything that
     hinders your progress and holds you back. Visualize yourself fearlessly facing the challenges that come your way.

     It's important to remember that Jesus encourages us to surrender our worries, fears, and anxieties to Him. By trusting in
     His  guidance,  we  can  find  freedom  and  peace  amidst  life's  challenges.  Allow  Him  to  work  faithfully  in  your  life  as  you
     release your burdens to Him.

     Tracy  is  a  Marketplace  Minister,  licensed  wedding  officiant,  life/marriage  coach,  and  funeral  celebrant.  For  more  info,  visit
     To view her other content such as Topical Articles, Devotionals, Process of Illumination Blog & Practical Ministry Podcast on Substack go to
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