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                          A U G U S T   2 0 2 2   •   I S S U E   0 8   •   V O L U M E   2   •   F R E E

                                          7 TIPS FOR FACING A POTENTIAL RECESSION

                       Economists are forecasting a recession soon!
                       With the economy entering stagnation and inflation is increasing at an exponential rate, it’s important for
                       businesses in Canada to understand the impact a potential recession can have. There are clear signs that the
                       economy is slowing down with stock markets falling and decreasing real estate prices while inflation and
                       interest  rates  are  soaring  high.  The  official  definition  of  a  recession  is  when  there  are  two  consecutive
                       quarters of negative growth with the gross domestic product (GDP).
                       A recession is a difficult time for any business – while a business owner will feel the need to make cuts and
                       sacrifices within the company, employees will feel the pressure to find stability because of the increase in
                       layoffs during a recession. Small businesses especially may feel a significant impact from a recession, due to
    the lack of cash reserves and capital assets needed to support them. It’ll be more difficult getting financing and they would be less
    customers looking for their products or services.  If you’re a small business owner and worried about the upcoming recession,
    don’t stress too much! Here are 7 tips that may be useful:
       Understand liquidity and which potential sources of capital you could utilize.
       Create an emergency business fund, if you have not already.
       Do a risk assessment to check how much your business can take on before insolvency.
       Try your best to cut back any operating expenses or reducing overhead costs.
       Prioritize paying back any debts that your business has.
       Create an action and contingency plan.
       Consider downsizing inventory to match lower consumer demands.
    Overall,  a  recession  is  a  scary  thing  for  businesses  of  any  size.  But,  as  long  as  you  do  your  research  and  have  preventative
    measures in place, you may be able to reduce the impact of a recession on your business.

    Shari Pearce, President of the Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce  Submissions & Letters
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                                     Volume 2  Issue 08
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