Page 3 - August 2022 News On 7
P. 3
Written by: Grant Ketcheson
Dave Little came to Hastings County as the Agricultural Representative with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture. In his working
life, Dave established himself in a solid leadership role in the agricultural community with his quiet, unassuming manner. He
has exhibited those same leadership qualities in his volunteer life.
Well over twenty years ago, Dave Little was one of a small group who believed that the long-neglected O'Hara Mill
Conservation Area, with its saw mill and pioneer buildings, should be preserved. Under his leadership, a volunteer association
was established. Through a unique agreement (written by Dave) with Quinte Conservation, O'Hara Mill Homestead has been
restored, far beyond the 1950s dream of the Moira River Conservation Authority.
The log cabin, the visitors centre, the sheds, barns and milk house are an enduring tribute to the leadership and labour of this
man. Not satisfied with simply building structures, Dave spent countless hours, winter and summer, in his little workshop
removing rust, dismantling, reassembling and painting antique farm implements. These are now proudly displayed in the
restored buildings.
After serving as chair of the O'Hara Volunteers Association, Dave continued his tireless efforts of building and repairing. He
always said how much he loved to chat with midweek visitors around the homestead.
Recognition for his volunteer effort at O'Hara Mill came to Dave in 2018 when he was awarded the Sovereign's Medal for
Visitors to the carriage house on Heritage Day 2022 summed up Dave Little, the man, in a few words. They mentioned a
midweek visit to the homestead when all buildings were closed. This kind gentleman proffered a key to the buildings that was
attached to his house and truck keys. Their reaction was, “He just gave us his keys and told us to go look around; what an
amazing welcome to this place!” That probably best sums up Dave Little.
On August 20, from 1:30-3:00, join with your neighbours for an “Afternoon with Dave Little at the Mill.” This is our opportunity
to thank him for his tireless work, preserving our history. We wish Dave a happy second retirement as he returns to Renfrew
County, his home before his sojourn in Hastings.
Caption: Dave Little in action.
Squire O'Hara would have sure hired this guy!