Page 23 - News On 7 August 2021
P. 23

Success Made Simple with YEP!

        It  is  with  great  pleasure  to  introduce  Owen  Meraw-Gilby,  young  entrepreneur  for  the  month  August.    Being  a
        5th generation working the land, Owen is starting to see the rewards of all his hard work.
        Welcome Owen to the YEP!

                                                OWEN MERAW-GILBEY

                             Hi  my  name  is  Owen  Meraw-Gilbey.  I  am  14  years  old  and  was  born  in  Charlottetown,  PEI.
                             When I was 7 we moved to Madoc to my Grandpa’s farm. I am the fifth generation to live on
                             this land.
                             My  Grandpa  Jim  and  his  partner  Karen  started  up  a  vegetable  stand  last  year.  My  Grandpa
                             also  used  to  do  this  years  ago.  We  sell  potatoes,  cucumbers,  corn,  onions,  tomatoes,  beets,
                             beans, zucchini and watermelon. We also sell firewood.
                             I  have  learned  a  lot  from  my  Grandpa  about  all  of  the  hard  work  involved  in  farming  and
                             growing  vegetables.  While  working  at  the  stand  I  have  learned  about  balancing  money,
                             customer  service  and  how  to  speak  to  and  deal  with  people.  It  is  a  lot  of  hard  work  but
                             worth  the  effort  when  you  see  the  results  of  food  you  have  grown  yourself.  My  Mom,  Karen
                             and  I  also  raise  meat  chickens.  We  will  be  selling  inspected  whole  chickens  this  year  and
                             taking orders for next year.

        We  have  received  a  lot  of  support  and  business  from
        the  community.  Come  check  us  out  at  383  St.
        Lawrence  Street  East,  Madoc.  Thank  you  to  all  of  our
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