Page 10 - December 2022 News On 7
P. 10


       RELEASE - After Tweed & Company Theatre took over ownership and operations at the Marble Arts Centre in Actinolite
       this January, as well as assuming operations under a 10-year lease at the Bancroft Village Playhouse, this registered
       charity continues to rapidly expand and sell out shows across Hastings county.
       The next major step in that expansion is a beautiful new state-of-the-art outdoor stage in Tweed’s memorial park. This
       new facility has been designed by Q&E engineering and will be constructed by TRD construction, breaking ground next

                                                  “We  could  not  be  more  excited  about  this  incredible  new  piece  of
                                                  infrastructure for our community”, says Artistic Director Tim Porter, “This
                                                  stage has been in the works for several years with the cooperation of the
                                                  municipality  and  18  like-minded  organizations,  we  were  all  hoping  for  a
                                                  permanent concert structure, and an alternative to indoor programming
                                                  during future restrictions or times of uncertainty.”

                                                  The  stage  is  slated  to  be  completed  by  March,  and  will  be  open  for
                                                  concerts, special events, and youth programming as early as next spring.
                                                  Tweed  &  Company  has  also  already  purchased  some  outdoor  technical
                                                  equipment thanks to a separate grant, and is working closely with the

       municipality  to  purchase  items  such  as  an  outdoor  screen  and  projector  to  showcase  movies  in  the  park  during  the
       summer  months.  With  a  price  tag  of  just  over  $200,000.00,  the  structure  has  been  almost  entirely  funded  by  a
       government grant, but at this time Tweed & Co is still unable to announce the funder.

       The stage will replace the existing picnic structure, and will allow the audience to enjoy the music while also enjoying the
       beautiful view of Stoco Lake. The field in front will be able to accommodate over 1000 patrons, and the goal is to offer a
       wide variety of programming and several free concerts throughout the year.

       The Tweed & Company Theatre Outdoor Stage will also be available for bookings by independent parties, through the
       Tweed & Company website, making this the company’s third venue. Once construction is completed, ownership of the
       structure  will  be  turned  over  to  the  municipality,  but  Tweed  &  Co  will  be  responsible  for  booking,  operations  and

       “Every expansion of our organization has led to more local jobs, huge increases in tourism to our county, and more people
       at our restaurants, shops and attractions. We are so excited to continue to add to our inventory of cultural attractions
       here in Tweed, and the addition of the outdoor stage will once again strengthen our organization and bring thousands of
       new  people  and  new  dollars  into  our  downtown  core.  We  are  so  grateful  for  the  support  and  encouragement  of  our
       municipality, and ecstatic that we are able to provide this new venue for our whole community. We can’t wait.”
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