Page 25 - November 2023 News On 7
P. 25


            The bells are ringing!
    The Madoc Santa Parade is coming up!
         Saturday 25, November 2023
         7pm - Durham Street Madoc
             Make sure to mark
        your calendar and save the date!

     On  October,  7th.  2023  the  Municipality  of  Centre  Hastings  Council  was  pleased  to  participate  and  engage  in  the
     commemoration  of  the  first  phase  of  enhancements  to  Village  Square.    The  Municipality  of  Centre  Hastings  and  the
     Business  Improvement  Team  (BIT)  collaborated  to  successfully  accomplish  the  revitalization  of  the  Village  Square.  We
     extend our gratitude to the BIT for their unwavering commitment and continued assistance in advancing and enriching
     our community.  We extend our utmost gratitude and sincere congratulations to all the local businesses, residents, and
     volunteers who have played an instrumental role in bringing about this achievement.
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