Page 17 - Sept 2023 News On 7
P. 17

Important Notice
         As you may know, school officially starts Tuesday,
         September 5th, 2023, and our youth and crossing
         guards  will  be  on  the  roadway  and  walkways.
         Please be aware of our crossing walk locations, a
         map is attached below to indicate these locations.
         1. Durham Street – across from the Market Square
         2.  Elgin  Street  –  across  from  Madoc  Nursery
         3. Elgin Street & Wellington Street
         When  there  is  a  school  crossing  guard  in  the
         crosswalk  with  a  stop  sign,  drivers  must  stop
         before  reaching  the  crosswalk  and  remain
         stopped  until  all  pedestrians,  including  the
         crossing  guard,  have  cleared  the  roadway.  The
         fine for failing to stop for a crossing guard is $150
         to $500 and three demerit points.

        Its almost that time of year again! Fall registration for  FARMER'S MARKET
        the Learn to Skate Program starts this month!         This  year  Madoc's  Farmers  Market  is  just  about  over,
        Registration Date:                                    September 14th is our last day of market.  We would like to give
        Sunday, September 10th, 5pm-7pm at Centre Hastings    a  huge  SHOUT  OUT  to  all  the  vendors  who  participated  and
        Park Art Centre.                                      we look forward to 2024!
        For more information, please contact Patti Lynn Davis:  If  you  have  not  been  to  the  Market,  come  on  out,  there  is  3                                    weeks left.  You will find us at the Township of Madoc Parking             lot off highway 62 N.  Just about 7 minutes north of 7 on Hwy
        district.../                                          62.    Lots  of  vendors,  fresh  local  veggies  and  homemade
                                                              goodies.    Take  the  drive  and  support  our  local  farmers  and
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