Page 10 - News On 7 November 2021
P. 10


     Snack  Shack  provides  so  much  more  than  baked
     treats!  Molly  and  Hayden  were  back  this  year  with
     their  Ultimate  Snack  Shack,  offering  a  multitude  of
     delights  from  butter  tarts  to  cinnamon  buns  and
     meatballs  to  pies.  From  personal  experience,  I  can
     confirm  that  the  treats  are  delicious!  After  endless
     hours  in  the  kitchen  and  many  a  Saturday  selling
     their  goods  the  pair  were  delighted  to  be  able  to
     present a cheque to their chosen charity. Molly and
     Hayden  raised  a  whopping  $3801.65  for  Centre       LOCAL HOCKEY WINS BIG!
     Hastings People Helping People, a huge achievement.      Our local sport loving youth are all winners this year thanks to
     Mayor  Tom  Deline  was  very  happy  to  be  able  to   The  Bruce  Lee  House  League  coordinators  Harold  and  Karen
     attend  the  cheque  presentation  and  thank  the       Bailey, who have been awarded a whopping $10,000 from this
     children for their hard work. Great job                  year’s  “The  Next  Stride”,  CARHA  Hockey  Nomination.  The
                                                              Bailey’s plan for the monies to be shared among the Bruce Lee
                                                              Hockey  League,  the  Centre  Hastings  Grizzlies  Hockey,  the
                                                              Centre  Hastings  Pool  Taskforce  and  forming  a  youth  club  for
                                                              the local area.   The  $10,000  prize  will  make  a  huge
                                                                                difference  to  this  amazing  community  and
                                                                                provide  yet  more  opportunities  for  our
                                                                                children and young people. Harold and Karen
                                                                                Bailey are given sincere thanks for their hard
                                                                                work  and  dedication,  their  efforts  have  and
                                                                                will make a big impact on many peoples lives.

                                                             A big thank you must also go to this great
                                                             community for taking the time to vote for
                                                             Harold  and  Karen  and  helping  them  to
                                                             bring the $10,000 home.
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