Page 5 - News On 7 November 2021
P. 5

Susan Lewis recently made the move to Hastings County from the
                                                         big  city  and  opened  her  new  business,  the  Emerald  Earring  on
                                                         September  16,  2021.    -  Located  at  117  Durham  Street,  (hey  62)
                                                         Madoc, ON.
                                                         Are  you  looking  for  something  to  do  during  the  holiday  season,
                                                         need a date night, bridal shower or family/friend get together.
                                                                                        Book  an  After-hour  shopping
                                                                                        experience  with  your  personal
                                                                                        Design  Host.    Refreshments  and
                                                                                        snacks  will  be  provided.    $15  per
                                                                                        person, two floors at The Emerald
                                                                                        Earring  Home  Decor  and  more!
                                                                                         Book  your  2  hour  experience  by
                                                                                        calling 647 668 8448.

    O'HARA MILL LOTTERY                                         O'Hara Mill Lottery
    The  first  of  three  draws  was  held  on  October  13.  Nancy  First Draw Winners, October 13
    Moorcroft, chair of the lottery committee, is seen presenting
    the  $1,000  cheque  to  Gordon  Baker,  winner  of  the  grand  $1,000 winner - Gordon Baker
    prize in the first of three draws.
                                                                $500 - Brian and Michelle Forestell
    The next draw is scheduled
    for  November  10  with  the                                $105 - Kendell Lee, Larry and Alice Bronson, Doug Howell, Jim
    final  one  on  December  4th                               Denison
    at  the  "Christmas  At  The
    Mill"  celebration  at  O'Hara                              $75 - Jim Bonter, Marlene Pollock,Eric and Judy Sandford,
    Mill.                                                       Michelle Calambacas, Brian Forestell, Trish Kelly,
                                                                Mark Godfrey, Kelly Henderson, Dana Gawley, Tom Boyd.

                                                                $25 - Abby Duncan, Jessica Rogers, Scott Duncan,
                                                                Anne  Kaehler,  June  Reid,  Mary  Hayes,  Wayne  and  Kathy
                                                                Cassidy, Bev and Len Holmes, Randy Plume, Mike Genereaux
    Congratulations  to  Shirley  Wilman  who  was  the  lucky
    winner  of  the  recent  St.  Paul's  Anglican  Church  raffle
    consisting  of  a  collapsible  Wagon  overloaded  with  various
    gift items.
                                 The  winning  ticket  was
                                 drawn by Rev. Bob during the
                                 regular  meeting  of  the  ACW
                                 (Anglican  Church  Women)
                                 Friday,  Oct.  15.  Many  thanks
                                 to  everyone  who  supported
                                 and donated gift items to the
                                 wagon   raffle,   particularly
                                 Norma  Crofts  who  donated
                                 the  wagon  and  to  our  local
                                 Home  Hardware  and  BMR
                                 stores  for  their  donation
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