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                                                            SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL – APPLIED TRACK SUBJECT

               CONTENT                                         PERFORMANCE STANDARD                   LEARNING COMPETENCIES                          CODE
                                  3.  instrument development   data collection, and analysis   2.  describes sampling procedure and the sample
                                  4.  description of intervention  procedures                                                                  CS_RS12-IIa-c-2
                                     (if applicable)
                                  5.  data collection and                                    3.  constructs an instrument and establishes its
                                     analysis procedures such                                    validity and reliability                      CS_RS12-IIa-c-3
                                     as survey, interview, and
                                     observation                                             4.  describes intervention (if applicable)
                                  6.  guidelines in writing
                                     research methodology                                                                                      CS_RS12-IIa-c-4

                                                                                             5.  plans data collection procedure

                                                                                             6.  plans data analysis using statistics and
                                                                                                 hypothesis testing (if appropriate)           CS_RS12-IIa-c-6

                                                                                             7.  presents written research methodology

                                  8.  the application of art/   9.  apply imaginatively      8.  implements design principles to produce
                                     design fundamentals for      art/design principles to       creative artwork                              CS_RS12-IIa-c-8
                                     execution                    create artwork

                                  The learner demonstrates     The learner  is  able to:
                                  understanding of:                                         The learner:
                                                               gather and analyze data with                                                    CS_RS12-IId-g-1
         Finding Answers          1.  data collection procedures  intellectual honesty, using   1.  collects data using appropriate instruments
         through Data                and skills using varied   suitable techniques
         Collection                  instruments
                                  2.  data processing,                                       2.  presents and interprets data in tabular and   CS_RS12-IId-g-2
                                     organizing, and analysis                                    graphical forms

        K to 12 Senior High School Applied Track Subject – Practical Research 2 December 2013                                                    Page 3 of 6
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