Page 18 - 2018 HLA Senior Yearbook
P. 18

 S P E C I A L A C H I E V E M E N T
Why should you be considered?
I should be considered for this application because I show an incredible amount of perseverance and dedication. As shown from my activity in a multitude of different activities as well as my academic history, I am clearly dedicated to everything I participate in. If I start something I always put forth my best effort. In addition, my perseverance is shown in how I have continued to defy the stereotypes that people have of where I am from. Being adopted from China at one year old, I have faced many challenges that most people do not face in their life. I have faced many challenges such as looking different than my parents, having a culture that is very different than the culture around me, and the stereotypes people apply to me just based on how I look. While I still face these challenges today, I have over come them and now can see how these things don’t define me. These things are just a part of who I am, not all of who I am. When I become a teacher I hope to inspire children and show them that no matter what people say you can be who you want to be. I want to show other children how by facing challenges in life you become stronger, learn priceless knowledge, and gain incredible compassion for others.

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