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 We’re in this together: Messages to inspire Chicago Police Officers
  “Make one situation better
My father grew up in Downers Grove and went to the University of Illinois. His father was a delivery driver in the city. My father relayed to me a story about a tumultuous time during the 1960s when there were race riots in Chicago.
As the story goes, during these riots a young African American boy was being chased through my father’s neighborhood by a group of men. My grandfather, a Caucasian im- migrant from Poland, realized what was happening and secreted the boy into his home until the mob went away.
That same day, his nephew was in the city also being chased by a mob with violent intent. An African American woman working in a store realized what was happening, se- creted him into the store, and hid him in an empty pickle barrel until the mob had passed.
I have no idea whether the story is true or my accounting is accurate. Still, the fact that it is even possible gives me pause, especially in these current tumultuous times.
In the unknown, fear has a way of creeping in. We all want to know what we can do to make things OK again. When we realize that we are facing things that are bigger than anything we can control, it can become overwhelming. Race riots, pandemics, natural disasters, acts of terror all can have the same effect.
Today, when I feel overwhelmed and the tumult in the world is far too big for me to handle, I will remember the story of the two boys. Neither my grandfather nor the wom- an in the store could contain the riots. But they could do something. They looked around them and chose to help where they could when they could.
Today, I will pay attention to those around me and where I can, I will serve to make one situation better. I will seek to encourage, protect, listen and lend a helping hand. When we live this way, the chaos in the world gets smaller and smaller and we can regain our sense of balance.
Fa“ith is something we all can tap into
This time, while fraught with uncertainty, has been a surprisingly good time for reflection. As members of the first responder community, people are looking to us more than ever to provide safety, solace, certainty, and that can take its toll on each of us as individuals, as mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles as well as police officers.
We believe faith is critical at times like these, and faith is something we all can tap into. We believe your answer to the calling of serving people is part of that faith — your faith in humanity and in leaving the world we live in a better place at the end of each day. One thing we know about police officers is that you are resilient, smart and tough beyond imagination.
The real estate world has also never experienced something quite like this current moment in time. However, we remain agile and are adapting, much like you are in the police world. As many of you have heard, the governor’s executive order has deemed real estate to be an essential service. What does that mean? Real estate can continue to service its clients, but we too should be mindful of the stay-at-home order and follow it to the extent that we can.
The Vanna Group wants to be responsible, and keeping our clients safe is our number-one priority. We are doing business through online tools. We can meet with clients virtually and go through a listing presentation. When you list your home, we are able to showcase homes virtually through virtual tours and even have the ability to have a mini-drone come into your home to take photos for a new listing — removing the concern of any human entering your home so as to avoid viral spread or contagion.
The Vanna Group is here and committed to helping you move forward in life, safely and with peace of mind. If you have to buy or sell a home today, rest assured we can help you through the process.
Police officers are everyday heroes, but we know you have everyday needs and go home to your families to live everyday lives. We hope during this time you remain conscious of your power and your faith — remind all those around you that they too are resilient, smart and brave.
Bob and Diane Vanna
The Vanna Group – Baird & Warner
Dr. John Dyben, Chief Clinical Officer
Origins Behavioral HealthCare
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