Page 49 - December 2021
P. 49

    11th District
  004 District
On Nov. 16, 11th District officers participated in a turkey and food give- away. Partnering with Dearborn Wholesale and other sponsors, the event was a tremendous suc- cess. Together, they gave away 1,000 complete tur- key dinners to members of the community.
15th District officers joined together with Assumption Church on Nov. 16 to pro- vide meals to the Austin community. They were en- couraged by handing out 150 Thanksgiving meal bags to residents. They continue their partnership to bring light and joy to the commu- nity this holiday season.
 This Thanksgiving season, 004 District officers wanted to give back to the community in a special way. They joined the 21st annual Food for the Body and Spirit on Nov. 14 at McDonald’s to give away more than 500 turkeys to the community. The event was a huge success and thanks to 004 District officers, many families received turkeys for their Thanksgiving dinners.
   15th District
  10th District
 On Nov. 23, 10th District officers met at Newlife Church in Little Village. Together, they gave away boxes of food, including turkeys and canned goods. Members of the community gathered to receive their boxes of food. Officers happily provided boxes for more than 1,200 families from around the area.
Special Report:
a holiday feast of giving and getting thanks

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