Page 29 - February 2020 FOP Magazine
P. 29
Trying to eliminate the unknown
This past month I received several calls from officers who are deploying to a theater of op- eration. I also heard from a couple of offi-
cers who enlisted into the reserves. All of
these officers are looking for assistance
in easing their transition into active ser-
vice — ensuring that their families receive
the benefits promised to them and knowing
what to expect when they return. It is my hon-
or to help them in any way possible to eliminate
the unknown.
After answering all of their questions, I followed up with
an email that had the following documents attached: a hand- book that explains the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) published by the U.S. Department of Justice; a copy of (330 ILCS 61) Service Mem- ber Employment and Reemployment Rights Act — our state re- quirements that provide more benefits; the Chicago Police De- partment (CPD) Employee Resource E01-14 Military Leave of Absence Act; and the Municipal Code of Chicago (MCC) 2-152- 113 Reservist on Active Duty. USERRA details an employer’s minimum requirements and benefits that cannot be usurped by state laws and/or local ordinances. Therefore, 330 ILCS and MCC 2-152-113 are added benefits provided to the affected ser- vice members.
Sadly, CPD has had many issues following state laws, and
even their own MCC, so we need to stay on them. Please con- tact me if you have questions regarding a pending deploy-
ment, mobilization or battle assemblies.
As the spouse or dependent child of a veteran or ser-
vice member, you may qualify for certain benefits like
health care, life insurance or money to help pay for school or training. As the survivor of a veteran or service member, you may qualify for added benefits, including help with burial costs and survivor compensation. If you’re car- ing for a veteran with disabilities, you may also qualify for sup- port to help you better care for the veteran — and for yourself. Find out which benefits you may qualify for and how to access
them. Visit the following websites for more information:
fits-for-spouses,-dependents,-and-survivors and efits-and-services-for-family-members-caring-for-a-veter-
Many veterans and family members have not used benefits
that the veteran has earned. Please take the time and see what is available to you. Send me an email or call if you need any help.
If you have questions or comments, please send me an email at