Page 26 - TheDecorativePainter_DP4_Winter_2018
P. 26
Painter’s Checklist
Black Green Bleached Sand Burnt Orange Camel
Dark Chocolate Evergreen
Grey Sky
Grey Storm Heritage Brick Navy Blue
Neutral Grey Orange Twist Raw Sienna Slate Grey Titanium White Traditional Burnt
Umber Traditional Burnt
Sienna Warm White
Basecoat with Bleached Sand. Using larger dry brush, pick up Warm White, take out excess on palette, and add highlights, using a horizontal motion to keep the mug round. Also add to handle with smaller dry brush. Pick up Titanium White in dirty brush, take out excess, and add more highlights, making this area smaller than the last. Continue adding Titanium White to dirty
TheDecorativePainter • WINTER 2018
Burnt Umber Cobalt Blue Hue Sap Green
Emperor’s Gold
FM Black Gold #10 & #16 shader #0 liner
#2 round
3/4" wash
#6 & #12 dry brushes
Basic painting supplies (page 96) DecoArt Sealer
DecoArt Varnish
DecoArt Decou-Page
Marbled Paper (available from: John C. Bielik, P. O. Box 40, Shelbyville, MO 63469-0040)
Brayer, piece of heavy cardboard, or old credit card
Masking tape
Sponge brush
Denatured alcohol in spritzer bottle
brush until highlights are achieved as you like them. Begin shading inside mug, above and below top ridge, under the other ridges, both sides of mug, under part of handle, where handle meets cup with Grey Sky; reinforce with Slate Grey; reinforce darker areas with Neutral Grey; add Grey Storm to darkest areas. Blue Areas: Basecoat with Cobalt Blue Hue. Add highlights with smaller dry brush and base color+Bleached Sand. Keep adding Bleached Sand to dirty brush as necessary. Shade on right sides with Navy Blue. Final Highlights: Dampen areas with water. Add Titanium White with liner brush, letting water pull the paint out.
Background paper is the cover of the book. “Leather” Areas: Basecoat with Burnt Orange. Using small dry brush or dry #2 round, add cracks, etc. with a brush-mix of Burnt Orange+Orange Twist. Adjust the color so you can see it on the background. Also use this color to highlight edges of “leather” areas, including along the entire side of the book. Add gold lines and design with Emperor’s Gold. Shade with Heritage Brick; reinforce with Dark Chocolate. Shade across top edge of book next to wine bottle, bottom edge next to mug, and to indicate the top edges with Dark Chocolate. Pages: Basecoat with a brush-mix of Bleached Sand+Neutral Grey+Dark Chocolate (approx. 1:1:1/2). Using
chisel edge of #16 shader brush, load in base-mix, pick up more Bleached Sand, and lay in a few highlights. Again using chisel edge of #16 shader brush and base-mix, pick up Dark Chocolate in dirty brush, and lay in more lines to indicate pages. Shade at spine and under front cover with Dark Chocolate.