Page 73 - TheDecorativePainter_DP4_Winter_2018
P. 73

 Tip: To dry-brush with the domed round brush, do not wet it. Pick up paint and blend it well. Use a dry paper towel to remove most of the paint from the bristles. Place the brush down at a 45-degree angle and apply very little pressure as you work. Turn the brush as needed. As more and more paint leaves the brush you can apply more pressure.
After you’ve traced the design onto tracing paper transfer the poppy onto newsprint using black graphite paper. Using sharp scissors, cut it out slightly outside the graphite lines. Carefully crumple it up in your hands so that it’s quite wrinkled when you open it back up. Have it ready to glue down correct side up.
Use the 1" sponge brush to apply a generous coat of DecoArt Decou-Page Medium in the general area where the poppy will be adhered. Position the poppy in the wet medium and then quickly add a coat of the medium on top of the poppy. Do not try to flatten it out. You want creases and wrinkles. Do gently push down any large air pockets though.
Step 1: Use the #6 domed round brush to dry-brush some Hauser Medium Green in a circular manner to build up some green highlights in the bottom right-hand corner. Do it again. On the dirty brush, pick up Bahama Blue to add a few more highlights here and there.
Use the filbert brush to undercoat the poppy with two coats of Buttermilk.
Step 2: Use the filbert brush to basecoat the poppy with two coats of Tomato Red. When dry, position the tracing over the poppy (it may have changed shape a little, no worries!) and add all of the details except for the seeds in the flower center. Trace on the pod and stem and basecoat them with Hauser Medium Green.
Use the #12 flat brush to shade around the pod with Avocado. Shade the stem at the far end. Deepen the shading with slightly narrower floats of Plantation Pine. Use the #6 domed round brush to dry-brush a highlight in the center of the pod and at the top of the stem with Lemonade.
Step 3: Referring to the shading diagram, basecoat the darkest shadows (black) with thinned Russet, twice. Basecoat the medium shadows (gray) with thinned Burnt Sienna, twice. Use thinned Russet on the #1 liner brush to outline the division lines between the petals.
Dry-brush some Spiced Pumpkin on most of the petals using the #10 filbert brush, starting at the tip of the petals. Dry-brush again adding a touch of Butterscotch to the dirty brush.
To create the hairy follicles on the pod and stem, thin Warm White to an inky consistency using the liner brush to add tiny hairs all around the pod and up the stem. Use the photo
for reference.
TheDecorativePainter • WINTER 2018 71

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