Page 74 - TheDecorativePainter_DP4_Winter_2018
P. 74

 Step 4: Use the #12 flat brush loaded with Cadmium Orange to float around the edges of each petal. This adds a tint of orange to tone down what may have become a bit too yellow. Referring to the shading diagram, use the #12 flat brush and Burnt Sienna to shade where indicated between petals and where there are creases.
Step 5: Add some floated highlights using the #12 flat brush and a mix of Spiced Pumpkin+Butterscotch (1:1). Repeat until you have some strong highlights on some of the petals. Use the photo for reference.
Use the #12 flat brush to shade the lower half of the flower center with Russet. Highlight the top half with a mix of Spiced Pumpkin+Butterscotch (1:1).
Step 6: Position the tracing over the flower and transfer the seeds. Use the #1 liner brush and add Lamp Black seeds. Go over some of the seeds with a mixture of Lamp Black+Butterscotch (1:2) with the liner brush to create highlights.
To bring out the texture of the petals, use the liner brush and thinned Warm White to paint on top of the creases on the lightest petals avoiding the shaded areas.
On the front of the box, position the stencil motif on the left corner and apply a thin coat of modeling paste using the back of
a palette knife. If some of the paste seeps under the stencil, use
a clean damp brush to lift it off. Wash the stencil. When the first motif has dried do the other corner. When completely dry, use the #10 filbert brush to dry-brush over the motif with Emperor’s Gold.
 Erase all visible graphite lines. Sign your work with the liner brush.
With the flat wash brush, apply a couple coats of Gloss DecoArt DuraClear Soft Touch Varnish to the entire surface of the lid and the box.
When dry, apply one to two coats of Matte DecoArt DuraClear Soft Touch Varnish to the poppy, the pod and stem using the #10 filbert brush.
 72 TheDecorativePainter • WINTER 2018

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