Page 78 - TheDecorativePainter_DP4_Winter_2018
P. 78

  Painter’s Checklist
Mi-Teintes Paper by Canson, color Tobacco 10 1⁄2" x 11" (Available
at Hobby Lobby or other art stores)
Burnt Ochre Colorless Blender Cream
Dark Brown French Grey 50% Orange
Poppy Red
Tuscan Red Warm Grey 90% White
Yellowed Orange
Basic painting supplies (page 96) Masonite Panel or other hard
surfaces to tape paper to
11" x 4"
Scotch tape
Removeable tape
White or black graphite paper Dusting brush Battery-operated sharpener Black eraser
• Supplies can be purchased from
Remember, our goal is not to get all of the pores filled in at this stage. This stage is just a light coverage.
Candle: Begin by placing in lights with White in lightest areas using a medium pressure.
Candle Stand: Begin by placing in all light areas with Sand using a light pressure. Be sure you soften any edges with small circular strokes that I mentioned in the introduction so as not to create hard lines. This will help you to achieve well-blended areas.
Decoy: Place in lights using a medium pressure of Sand, softening so as not to create hard edges.
Lotus Pod: Outline holes with Warm Grey 90% but do not fill in at this time. Place in lights in holes only where you see the lightest area using Sand, softening with a light touch.
Book Covers and Pages: Outline designs with a very sharp point of Warm Grey 90%. Place light areas in using Sand with a medium pressure and softening edges with a light touch.
Leaves: Place veins in with Burnt Ochre using a sharp point and a medium pressure. Fill the remaining leaves in with the Yellowed Orange with a medium pressure and coverage.
Shading under objects: Lightly shade under the objects with a medium pressure using Warm Grey 90%. Use a little Dark Brown to further help soften.
In this stage you will now be filling in the pores a little more solidly but not completely until the final stage 3. Be sure as you place each color of pencil that you strive for well-blended areas by simply learning to adjust the pressure as you place the colors in and blend them into each other.
Candle Top: Strengthen highlight area on back edge using Cream and further soften with Sand. Fill in remaining area with Yellowed Orange. Add a little shading in front right area using Burnt Ochre.
TheDecorativePainter • WINTER 2018

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