Page 28 - DPM4_Winter_2021_Flipbook
P. 28

Medium: Renaissance Gold + Raw Sienna
Dark: Medium value + Raw Sienna + Renaissance Gold
Low Dark: Dark value + Burnt Umber + Renaissance Gold
Light: Medium value + Naples Yellow + Renaissance Gold
High Light: Light value + Naples Yellow + Warm White
Step 1: Block in the values of each color and blend (see Map 1 and Step-by-Step 1). Dry. Wipe the surface.
Step 2: Emphasize highlight and shade area (with highlights and shade). Dry. Wipe the surface.
Use Poinsettia Red Mix for the candle and the rose.
Use White Poinsettia Mix (Yellow-Green) for the flame.
Step 1 (items inside glass): Place paints as shown on Map
1 (candle and rose). Blend. Place the High Light Yellow-Green referring to Step-by-Step 1 and Map 1 with Warm White in the middle of the flame and lightly blend with a mop.
Use Flower Pot Mix.
Step 2 (glass): Paint the shape of the glass using the High Light and Low Dark of the Flower Pot Mix while looking
at Step–by–Step 2. Paint while stretching the color with Blending and Glazing Medium to maintain transparency. Paint the flame reflection on the right side of the glass using
Light Value.
Step 3 (glass): Use the No. 2 Miniature Sable Brush to make ellipses; emphasize highlights (Warm White) and shades (Black). Emphasize light and dark areas. Add Poinsettia Red Mix Medium for accent color (see Step-by-Step 3).
Step 3: Cast shadow in Black (put a small amount of Blending and Glazing Medium on the brush). Paint the reflection of the thread of the lace. See Step 3 of the Color Step-by-Step and Map 2.
26 TheDecorativePainter • WINTER 2021

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