Page 66 - DPM4_Winter_2021_Flipbook
P. 66
Fill in the dark areas on the head with Cool Grey 90% and light pressure. Go over those areas again with Indigo Blue, Dark Umber and Black. After the dark feathers are in, use Cool Grey 20% to lay in a little bit of a highlight in the middle top of his head. Then go over that lightly with Indigo Blue. Once you get the dark sections in, use a sharp Black pencil to pull a few feathers on the top of the head. (Figure 3)
The white highlights are already in the eye, use a sharp Black pencil to go around the outside edge of the eye. With Black, outline the inner circle that is the iris and fill it with the Dark Mixture of colors (Cool Grey 90%, Indigo Blue, Black, etc.). (Figure 3)
Fill in the lower section of the beak with Cool Grey 90% and then Black. The top section of the beak is already White, now lay in a subtle tint of Light Umber at the back of the top of the beak where the beak meets the head. Use the same color to lay in a tint under the beak on the white feathers. (Figure 3)
There is a little highlight on the upper back on the dark feathers. Lay this in first with Cool Grey 20% and go over that lightly with Indigo Blue.
Build up a rich black the same way you did on
the head. First, use Cool Grey 90% to fill in the
dark feathers. Don’t completely cover the feather separations. Now go over the separations with Cool Grey 20%. As you lay in more darks, blend it as much or as little as you would like; use the Dark Mixture (Indigo Blue, Dark Umber, etc.) to go over the Cool Grey 90% and blend the dark colors into the little highlight. This will help tone it down. As you lay in
the darks, notice how the white feathers that were impressed with the stylus have popped out. You can further emphasize these by tucking the Black into the white feathers a little bit. At this time, also fill in the dark spots on the white tail feathers. Do this with just Black or with the Dark Mixture. Check your feather separations and blend them in more with Cool Grey 90% or Black. You don’t want to show every single feather with the separations, so blend some in more than others. (Figure 4)
Now that you have the wings and tail feathers in, you can go in and lightly tint some of the white spots on the wings with Indigo Blue. This is a very light tint and should be random and not on every white spot area.
64 TheDecorativePainter • WINTER 2021