Page 36 - Senior School Subject Selection Book 2022
P. 36



        Students  undertaking  this  subject,  will  further  develop   It  also  contains  statistic  topics  that  will  equip  students
        future focused skills as critical and creative thinkers,   for the ever-increasing demands of the information age
        innovators and problem-solvers in an ever-changing    equipping them with knowledge and applying formulae
        world.                                                to spreadsheets for efficiency.

        They develop their ability to take initiative and promote   Essential Mathematics is designed for students who
        curiosity in an increasingly complex and datadriven world.   want to extend their mathematical skills beyond Year 10
        Learning reinforces prior knowledge and continues to   but whose future studies or employment pathways do
        develop key mathematical ideas, including:            not require calculus. It incorporates a practical approach
        •     rates and percentages                           that  equips  learners  for  their  needs  as  future  citizens,
        •     concepts from financial mathematics             preparing them for tertiary studies, vocational education
        •     linear and non-linear expressions               or work in a complex and rapidly changing world.
        •     sequences
        •     the use of trigonometry to find solutions to practical   Emphasis is placed on the mastery of content, ensuring
            problems                                          key concepts or procedures are learnt fully. This assists
        •     the exploration of real-world phenomena in statistics.  students to make connections between related concepts
                                                              and adapt what they already know to new and unfamiliar
        Topics are developed systematically, with increasing   situations.
        levels of complexity and connection as skills in patterns,
        order and generality and uncertainty are investigated.
        Problems are explored and solved through observation,
        reflection  and  logical  reasoning  using  a  concise
        communication system involving written, symbolic,      Career Opportunities:
        spoken and visual components.
                                                               •     Trades
        A real-life application of the finance topic assists students   •     Industry
        to become literate consumers of investments, loans and   •     Business
        superannuation products at varying complexities.       •     Community Services

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