Page 37 - Senior School Subject Selection Book 2022
P. 37


        COURSE 1 & 2

        Queensland Minerals and  Energy  Academy  (QMEA)      The course consists of eight topics as shown below:
        is a joint venture between the Queensland Resources   •  Numeracy
        Council (the peak body representing the minerals and   •  Measurement
        energy companies in Queensland) and the Queensland    •   Algebra for Engineering and Electrical trades
        government.                                           •  Finance
                                                              •  Dynamics
        QMEA    Science   and   Mathematics   and   Related   •  Materials
        Technologies  (QSMART)  Course  One  is  a  mathematics   •  Electricity
        and science course designed to offer students the     •   Electrolysis and Corrosive Environments
        opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills expected
        by industry in the trades areas. The course was originally   QMEA QSMART Course 1 has been recognised by QCAA
        designed  for  Engineering  and  Electrical  school  based   as a preparatory course. Successful  completion of
        apprentices but it is not exclusive to only these trade   Course 1 with an achievement of a C or better, will earn
        industries.                                           students 2 QCE credits and will also meet the Numeracy
                                                              requirement for a QCE.
        This course has been written in collaboration with Industry
        and schools to ensure that the relevant mathematical   QMEA QSMART Course 1 will be completed in Year 11 with
        and science concepts and skills are explicitly taught and   Course 2 being offered in Year 12. Successful completion
        developed, as well as employability skills.           of Course 2 with an achievement of a C or better, will earn
                                                              students a further 2 QCE credits.
        The 4 assessment objectives of this course are:
        •  Knowledge
        •  Application
        •   Communication Skills                               Career Opportunities:
        •   Employability Skills

        The context of learning and assessment experiences will   •     Trades especially Electrical and Engineering
        be within a range of familiar contexts with some less   •     Industry
        familiar/routine contexts.                             •     Business

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