Page 52 - Senior School Subject Selection Book 2022
P. 52



                   The following skills are the ones that employer groups said that they looked for in employees.

              You can use this list to keep track of the skills you are learning. Write down times when you have shown
                     these skills either at school or at home. This then becomes a great start to your resume.

              Skill                  Element (facets of the skill that                 Some evidence or
                                     employers identified as important,                events where you
                                     noting that the mix and priority of these         have demonstrated
                                     facets would vary from job to job)                these skills

                                     • Listening and understanding
                                     • Speaking clearly and directly
              Communication          • Writing to the needs of the audience
              that contributes       • Negotiating responsively
              to productive          • Reading independently
              and harmonious         • Empathising
                                     • Using numeracy effectively
              relations              • Understanding the needs of internal and external customers
              between                • Persuading effectively
              employees and          • Establishing and using networks
              customers              • Being assertive
                                     • Sharing information
                                     • Speaking and writing in languages other than English

                                     • Working with people of different ages, gender, race,
              Teamwork that             religion or political persuasion
              contributes            • Working as an individual and as a member of a team
              to productive          • Knowing how to define a role as part of a team
              working                • Applying teamwork skills to a range of situations, eg.
              relationships and        futures planning, crisis problem solving
              outcomes               • Identifying the strengths of team members
                                     • Coaching, mentoring and giving feedback

                                     • Developing creative, innovative solutions
                                     • Developing practical solutions
                                     • Showing independence and initiative in identifying
                                       problems and solving them
              Problem solving        • Solving problems in teams
              that contributes       • Applying a range of strategies to problem solving
                                     • Using mathematics including budgeting and financial
              to productive            management to solve problems
              outcomes               • Applying problem-solving strategies across a range of areas
                                     • Testing assumptions taking the context of data and
                                       circumstances into account
                                     • Resolving customer concerns in relation to complex project

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