Page 53 - Senior School Subject Selection Book 2022
P. 53

Skill                 Element  (facets of the skill that                 Some evidence or
                                    employers identified as important,                 events where you
                                    noting that the mix and priority of these          have demonstrated
                                    facets would vary from job to job)                 these skills

                                    • Adapting to new situations
              Initiative and        • Developing a strategic, creative, long-term vision
              enterprise that       • Being creative
              contribute            • Identifying opportunities not obvious to others
              to innovative         • Translating ideas into action
              outcomes              • Generating a range of options
                                    • Initiating innovative solutions

                                    •  Managing time and priorities – setting timelines,
                                       coordinating tasks for self and with others
                                    •  Being resourceful
                                    •  Taking initiative and making decisions
                                    •  Adapting resource allocations to cope with
              Planning and          •  Establishing clear project goals and deliverables
              organising            •  Allocating people and other resources to tasks
              that contribute       • Planning the use of resources including time
              to long term             management
              and short term        • Participating in continuous improvement and
              strategic                planning processes
                                    • Developing a vision and a proactive plan to
              planning                 accompany it
                                    • Predicting – weighing up risk, evaluating alternatives
                                       and applying evaluation criteria
                                    • Collecting, analysing and organising information
                                    • Understanding basic business systems and their

              Self-management       • Having a personal vision and goals
              that contributes      • Evaluating and monitoring own performance
              to employee           • Having knowledge and confidence in own ideas and vision
              satisfaction and      • Articulating own ideas and vision
              growth                • Taking responsibility

                                    • Managing own learning
                                    • Contributing to the learning community at the workplace
              Learning that         • Using a range of mediums to learn – mentoring, peer
              contributes             support, networking, information technology (IT), courses
              to ongoing            • Applying learning to ‘technical’ issues (eg. learning about
              improvement             products) and ‘people’ issues (eg. interpersonal and cultural
              and expansion           aspects of work)
                                    • Having enthusiasm for ongoing learning
              in employee           • Being willing to learn in any setting – on and off the job
              and company           • Being open to new ideas and techniques
              operations and        • Being prepared to invest time and effort in learning new
              outcomes                skills
                                    • Acknowledging the need to learn in order to accommodate

                                    • Having a range of basic IT skills
              Technology            • Applying IT as a management tool
              that contributes      • Using IT to organise data
              to effective          • Being willing to learn new IT skills
              execution of          • Having the occupational health and safety knowledge to
              tasks                   apply technology
                                    • Having the appropriate physical capacity

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