P. 1


                                    CIENCIAS HUMANAS Y DE LA EDUCACION

                                  PEDAGOGIA DE LOS IDIOMAS NACIONALES Y

                                                 ENGLISH WRITING

            NAME: Lòpez Michelle

            COURSE: Second “B”


                                                 Environmental pollution

            Step 1.

            Problems                                                                 Solution

            Smoke from the cars                            Keep the cars in a good condition
            Pollution of rivers                                Implement more garbage dumps in the society

            Annoying                                             Listen to music with low volume

            Industrial contamination                     Influence the market in the purchase of non-polluting

            Step 2

            Industries cause many effects on society.

                  One of the main effects caused by industries is air pollution.
                  The industries must be located in a specific place

            Step 3
            In the Ecuador industries produce many negative aspects for the society.

            Step 4

            In the Ecuador industries produce many negative aspects for the society.

            I. - Smoke from industries produces greater difficulty in breathing in people close the factory.

                   A. - Companies should use more natural products to reduce pollution. Just as people should start
            using non-pollution products to preserve our environment.
            II. - This contamination produce a series of problems in human beings.

                 A.  - People breating this contaminated air can develop a series of diseases in the body for
                    example. Borning eyes and respiratory problems
                 B.  I think that these people should leave their house protected whit glasses and masks.

            III. - People living in the countryside have less pollution than those in the city.

                      A. - The air in the countryside is purer that those of the city. So near the city these is a greater
            number of industries than pollute the air.
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