P. 2

Step 5

            Write an opinion paragraph

                                                 Environmental pollution

            In the Ecuador industries produce many negative aspects for the society. First Smoke from industries

            produces greater difficulty in breathing in people close the factory. I think that the Companies should

            use more natural products to reduce pollution. Just as people should start using non-pollution products

            to preserve our environment. Second this contamination produce a series of problems in human beings,

            because the  people  breating  this contaminated air can  develop  a  series  of  diseases  in  the  body  for

            example. Borning eyes and respiratory problems. I consider that the people should leave their house

            protected whit glasses and masks. Third people living in the countryside is purer, that of the city have

            more contamination. So near the city these is a greater number of industries that pollute the city.

            Number of word: 130
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