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INTRODUCTION                                                                                           As the pace of business                           People are emotional,
                                                                                                             quickens and the number                           intuitive beings. They
                                                                                                             of brands multiplies, it’s                        turn to brands that speak

                                                                                                             customers, not companies,                         to them and reflect
                                                                                                             who decide which brands                           their beliefs. Retail is
                                                                                                             live and which ones die.                          no longer just about

                                                                                                             An overabundance of                               the stuff we make, but
                                                                                                                                                               about the stories we tell.
                                                                                                             look-alike products and
                                                                                                             me-too services is forcing                        Brands with authenticity

                                                                                                             customers to search for                           thrive. Great brands
                                                                                                             something, anything, to                           tell stories we believe.
                                                                                                             help them separate the

                                                                                                             winners from the clutter.                         This is our story.

      REITMANS                           BRAND BOOK                                  02                      CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT. DO NOT SHARE OR TRANSFER. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY.
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