Page 17 - Sample Life STD LTD Enrollment kit
P. 17

Maximum Coverage Period
               • This is the number of weeks you can collect disability benefits (also known as the benefit duration).
               •  [The 00-week coverage period is for the occupation in which you were employed at the time of your
                 disability (also known as your own occupation).]
               No Health Examination Required
               •  You can take advantage of this important coverage now, without a health examination, if you are a
                 [full-time Sample employee].
               • If you decline this coverage now and wish to enroll later, a health examination may be required.

               [Pre-existing Condition]

               • [ If you have a medical condition that begins before your coverage takes effect, and you receive
                  treatment for this condition within the [six months] leading up to your coverage start date, you may
                  not be eligible for benefits for that condition until you have been covered by the plan for [12 months].]

               Additional Plan Benefits

                 Additional Plan Benefits

                 [Benefits Integration]                                           Included
                 [Rehabilitation Assistance Benefit]                              Included
                 [Family Income Benefit]                                          Included
                 [Portability]                                                    Included
                 [Premium Waiver]                                                 Included

               [Benefits Integration]

                 •  You can coordinate your short-term disability benefits with income from your employer (such as sick
                  pay) during your disability.

                 • This allows you to receive up to 100% of your pre-disability income.
               [Rehabilitation Assistance Benefit]

               •  This benefit provides an additional [0]% to you each week if you participate in an approved
                 rehabilitation program while you are out of work.
                 —  Approved rehabilitation programs are designed to help those who qualify for short-term disability
                   benefits get back to work.
                 —  Additional training and school programs are available to those who are not able to return to their
                   own occupation.

               [Family Income Benefit]
               • An additional benefit paid to your family if you die while receiving benefits.

        [Form Filing Number]      Short-term Disability Insurance Plan Summary of Benefits
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22