Page 21 - Sample Life STD LTD Enrollment kit
P. 21

Now Available to
                                                     [Class Employees at Sample Company]:

                                                Long-term disability insurance with affordable group rates

                                             Get back on your feet.

                                             Both physically and financially.

      The Lincoln Long-term                  While it’s human nature to hope for the best, it’s also important to plan

      Disability Insurance                   for the worst. Like being out of work for an extended period when you’re
                                             sick or injured.
      [Advantage Plan]:
                                             Here’s how this important coverage works.

      •  Provides a cash benefit after       1.  If you are out of work due to injury, illness, or surgery, there is a [0-day] period
                                                before you begin collecting disability benefits. This is called the elimination
        you are out of work for [XX
                                                period. You may be covered by employer-sponsored sick leave and/or
        weeks] or more due to injury,           short-term disability during this time.
        illness, or surgery                  2.  After the elimination period, you receive [0% of your monthly salary (up to a
                                                maximum cash benefit of $0 per month)] until you’re able to return to work or
      •  Features group rates for               your [0-month] coverage period ends.

        [Sample employees]                   3.  [You may receive an additional 10% (up to $0) each month if you are disabled
                                                and not able to perform two or more Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), such as
      •  Includes EmployeeConnect               bathing, dressing, or eating.]
        services, which give you                    A complete Summary of Benefits is included on the next few pages.

        and your family confidential         Here’s how little you pay with group rates.
        access to counselors as well as      [Your estimated monthly premium is determined        Age       Premium

        personal, legal, and financial       by multiplying your monthly salary amount (up       Range        Rate
                                             to $00,000) by your age-range premium rate. If      [<25]      [.00000]
        assistance                           your monthly salary exceeds $00,000, multiply      [25 - 29]   [.00000]
                                             $00,000 by your premium rate.]
                                                                                                [30 - 34]   [.00000]
                                                                                                [35 - 39]   [.00000]
                                                                                                [40 - 44]   [.00000]
                                                             monthly salary                     [45 - 49]   [.00000]

                                                          X                                     [50 - 54]   [.00000]
                                                              premium rate                      [55 - 59]   [.00000]
                                                                                                [60 - 64]   [.00000]
                                                         =  $                                   [65 - 69]   [.00000]
                                                            monthly premium                     [70 - 74]   [.00000]
                                                                                                [75 - 99]   [.00000]
      [Complete and return
      your Enrollment Form by
      Month XX, 2017.]                        No money is due at enrollment. Your premium simply comes out of your paycheck.
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