Page 3 - Laboratory manual for students FAR222 2019 20
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FAR 222 Dosage Form II                                                    Laboratory Manual

               1       COURSE & PRACTICAL OUTLINE

               This  course  introduces  students  to  various  pharmaceutical  sterile  dosage  forms  including
               parenteral,  ophthalmic,  antiserum,  human  blood  and  biotechnological  preparations.  This
               course also covers topics such as labelling and packaging for sterile products, sterilisation
               methods and testing methods required for sterile preparations.

               Formal  teaching  comprises  27  one-hour  lectures,  3  three-hour  tutorials  and  5  three-hour
               practical classes (including practical term test). Students are expected to use the reference
               sources in the library to supplement the course material provided in this manual. In particular,
               we will require you to undertake a significant amount of preparation prior to practical classes.
               If you experience difficulties please come and speak to the member of staff responsible for
               the course, Dr Goh Choon Fu (Room 127, J02;


               Learning objectives of practical classes:

               In successfully completing practical classes in this course, students will be able to:

                   a)     develop  strategies  for  formulating,  manufacturing  and  sterilising  parenteral  and
                          ophthalmic  products,  with  the  ability  to  tailor  each  of  these  activities  to  the
                          properties of the drug/vehicle and the intended route of administration
                   b)     understand  the  principles  and  applications  of  pharmacopoeial  sterilisation
                   c)     recognise  the  need  for  a  compatible  and  suitable  packaging  for  sterile
                          pharmaceutical products

               Practical classes cover terminally sterilised products as listed below:
                   1.  Intravenous infusions
                   2.  Injections (multiple dose)
                   3.  Ampoules
                   4.  Eye drops
               Tutorials will be conducted a week before practical classes to discuss on the strategies for
               formulating, manufacturing and sterilising parenteral and ophthalmic products.


               Your overall course assessment mark is based:

                     Practical exercises (including a practical test)
                     Mid-term test (theory test)
                     Quizzes (prior to practical class)

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