Page 34 - Loeb Pitch Book Oct 14 for Ron(1)
P. 34

David Robert                                              David Sarnoff

            David Robert is a lead consultant and facilitator with   David  B.  Sarnoff,  Esq.,  is  an  executive  coach  and
            Loeb Leadership Development Group.   David brings       leadership trainer with Loeb Leadership Development
            over 20 years of experience as a thought leader in the   Group.    As  a  former  attorney  and  experienced
            areas  of  Learning  and  Development,  Talent          executive  search  consultant,  David  is  uniquely
            Management, and Change Management.  David has           qualified  and  experienced  to  understand  the
            held  both  internal  and external  consulting  positions   mindset,  demands  and  challenges  of  attorneys  and
            at  companies  across  several  industries,  and  is  the   legal professionals.   He acquired this experience over
            former CEO of Great Place to Work (Middle East). In     25 years of working in the legal world.  As a litigation
            that  role,  he  partnered  with  hundreds  of          associate, he learned about the impact of leadership
            organizations  to  help  them  foster  high-trust,      and the importance of workplace culture’s influence
            collaborative  workplace  cultures.  Previously,  David   on  employee  performance  and  motivation.    As  a
            worked with Blue Cross and Blue Shield as Director of   search  consultant,  David  coached  and  guided
            Change  Management.  In  that  role,  he  was           hundreds  of  attorneys  in  discovering  what  inspired
            responsible  for  the  overall  people  and  culture    them in their professional lives.  He has worked with
            strategy  of  the  organization.  In  addition,  David   attorneys at all levels in a variety of practice areas, in
            worked for several technology companies where he        law firms and in-house.
            designed    and    implemented    Learnin    and
            Development  programs.  David  is  passionate  about    David  utilizes  his  strengths  as  a  coach  to  enlighten
            helping  leaders  create  a  compelling  legacy  for    attorneys  and  leaders  to  elevate  their  professional
            themselves and their organization.                      performance,  mindset,  emotional  intelligence,  soft
                                                                    skills,  leadership  potential  and  team  building  skills.
            David’s  consulting  experience  spans  nearly  every   He also counsels high potentials and performers with
            industry  and  many  continents.  He  has  worked       business  development  and  establishing  internal  and
            extensively with  companies  in  the  healthcare,  legal,   external networks.
            retail,  technology  and  hospitality  industries,  as  well
            as  with  companies  in  North  America,  Europe,       Additionally,  David  serves  on  the  Fort  Lee  Board  of
            Asia/Pacific and Africa. Much of David’s recent work    Education and presided as Board President for three
            has  focused  on  workplace  culture  assessments  and   consecutive  years.    In  2015,  he  received  the  Archie
            analysis,  organizational  design  consulting,  and     Hay  Award  for  distinguished  service  and  leadership
            executive coaching.                                     from  the  Bergen  County  School  Boards  Association.
                                                                    He was also appointed to the Advisory Committee of
            For several years, David led the Middle East affiliates   the  New  Jersey  Association  of  School  Resource
            of Great Place to Work. David also led an executive     Officers.
            strategy  network,  which  brought  together  C-level
            leaders  across  the  Middle  East  with  the  purpose  of   In addition to being a sought after coach, David has
            conducting  research,  sharing  insights  and  working   presented  at  bar  association  and  CLE  events  on
            together  to  solve  common  challenges.  David  had  a   effective   interviewing,   business   development,
            monthly leadership column with the Kipp Report and      marketing and leadership training.
            has  appeared  on  several  television  and  radio
            programs, including CNBC Arabia.
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