Page 10 - SUMMER 2020 SWHS Newsletter revised (1)
P. 10

The 1918 flu pandemic on South Whidbey

       With the Covid-19 virus, a little his-  The health of
      torical  perspective  may  be  helpful.   the  city  is  more
      This country and our region have been   important than
      through a similar, albeit much more le-  all  else.  An
      thal pandemic: the 1918 Spanish Influ-  ounce of pre-
      enza.                                 vention now is
       In his book, “The Langleyites of Whid-  worth a thou-
      bey Island 1899-1921” the late Bill Mc-  sand cures.
      Ginnis writes about  Whidbey Island    Preparations
      men working at the steel mills and naval   were underway
      shipyards for the WWI war effort.     by Mayor Ole
       “They received high  wartime wages.   Hanson and Mu-
      The streets and theatres and hotels were   nicipal  health
      full. Streetcars lurched around corners   authorities  to
      with men hanging on like monkeys.     transform Seat-
      Everything was priced high. Everything   tle’s big public
      that the army used was high and scarce,   dance halls and churches if necessary,   March, there were no new cases of the
      such as wood and leather.             into emergency  hospitals  to  care  for   Spanish flu in the Seattle area.
       Then came the Spanish Influenza: the   Spanish Influenza cases if the epidemic
      horrors of war paled in comparison. It   is not checked.
      came on like a cold or Le Grippe, with   This action was decided upon as a pre-
      a high fever. It seemed to fasten on the   paratory measure, supplementing the
      young and strong.                     order Saturday that closed schools, the-
       Some recovered. Some lasted a week   aters, motion picture houses, pool halls
      - some a day. The doctors were baffled.   and all indoor assemblages.
      They had nothing with which to fight it.   Schools re-opened in January, and by
      They knew no established treatment or
      medicines. In cities, people were urged
      to wear the gauze masks made with a
      half a dozen layers of cotton gauze. No   Write your own pandemic history...
      one was allowed to board a streetcar
      without a gauze mask.                  As we look back on events that have   The stories will be archived into our
       When the Calista came in to Lang-    shaped  our lives,  we often  ask  what   collection and become property of the
      ley from Seattle, down the gang-plank   was it like then?                   South Whidbey Historical Society.
      would come the passengers -- wear-     Today many are trying to compare the   It would be a digital  time  capsule
      ing  gauze  masks  over  their  noses  and   Spanish flu of 1918 to the current coro-  of the pandemic for  Whidbey Island
      mouths.                               navirus pandemic.                     available for researchers, family mem-
       Earl McMillan, a healthy and vigorous   Yet, there is no one alive today that   bers, or anyone with an interest in his-
      young redhead of 22, who was married   can tell their story.                tory to look back to 2020.
      to my sister Ruth and doing well as a   Here is your chance to become part of   As of the writing of this article, details

      steelworker, caught the flu. He was dead   local history. Write a story about your   are being worked out as to how to sub-
      in two days...” – Bill McGinnis       experiences with the 2020 coronavirus   mit stories.
       -------------------------------------  pandemic. It can be short or long but   We will ask that you identify yourself
                                            would capture life on Whidbey as they   and describe who you are. For exam-
       The October 7, 1918 issue of The Se-  experienced it.                      ple, are you a health worker, first re-
      attle Star carried this article on its front   Young and old are encouraged to tell   sponder, a business owner, student, or
      page as WWI was nearing its final days.  their experiences.                 a retiree?
                                              How did the pandemic  change you     We will be providing more informa-
       DON’T BE A GRUMBLER                  and  your family’s lives?  It  could  in-  tion about this project on our website
       Don’t grumble because you can’t see a   clude pictures or even videos.     and Facebook page.
      movie or play a game of billiards      All would be submitted or copied into   Meanwhile start thinking and writing
       —or because the schools and churches   a digital format.                   about your story.
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