Page 8 - SUMMER 2020 SWHS Newsletter revised (1)
P. 8

Johns Family, continued               Porter Family, continued

      heeded the call, only to find  that the   the family farm for a while until it was
      body was that of Willie. Walking a lit-  sold off and later developed. Daughter
      tle farther north he found the body of   Lena married Frank Driscoll and lived
      Jimmie.                               nearby.
        Newspaper accounts  speculate  that   Omer would follow in his father’s
      sloop capsized and the twins, both    footsteps,  first  working  the  farm  at
      strong swimmers, made  it to shore,   age 15, then as a logger and later as a
      though exhausted and no doubt having   maintenance  supervisor for the  State
      swallowed saltwater.                  Department of Highways. He was also
        Jimmie, the stronger of the two had   one of the first bonded deputy sheriffs
      carried his brother, Willie, until he no   in the county.
      longer could and ventured a little fur-  Omer  had  two children  (Omer  Jr.   Omer  and  future  wife  Blonche  Inley  at
      ther north along the beach, just about   and Bob) with first wife Blonche Inley   the Porter farm. They married in 1921.
      a half mile from their home. It is spec-  (some sources cite  her name spelled   the Snohomish Tribe of Indians.
      ulated that the boys died of exhaustion   Blanche Inlay or Imlay) but her mar-  This article was compiled from inter-
      and exposure.                         riage  certificate  signature  is  clearly   views with Gaylord Porter, Gloria Porter
        The whole South end mourned the     signed Blonche Inley.                 Campbell, Hugh McLeod’s Justice of the
      loss to this pioneer family. The news-  Blonche was raised by her maternal   Peace 1901 ledger entry, articles from
      paper mentioned that both Thomas and   grandparents, Myron and Laura Cur-   the South Whidbey Record, Island Coun-
      Mary  Jane  were  near  invalids  at  the   tis, on their Freeland farm where Pay-  ty Times, and Spindrift articles by Gloria
      time, Thomas suffering from severe ar-  less Foods and Chase Bank now exist.   Porter Campbell, Linda Porter, Lorinda
      thritis. They both died six years later   When Blonche died in 1929 at age   Kay, John Watkins, Cora Cook, Christine
      in 1905 after having been cared for by   26  from  pneumonia,  the  two  boys   Ferguson, and Lorna Cherry.
      their daughter Florence.              went to Porter Place farm and lived     Additional sources were from  period
        Florence  wed neighbor  Friedrich   with Louisa while their father worked   newspapers, census records,  Snohom-
      “Fred” Tiemeyer in 1906. The Tiemey-  in logging camps off island.          ish Tribal records, territorial and state
      ers opened bakeries in British Colum-   The next year Omer met and married   marriage and birth certificates, plus the
      bia  and  then  Langley  in  1925. Fred   a young nurse, Tena Roodzandt, from   book: The Snohomish Tribe of Indians...
      died in 1950. Florence died in 1966 at   an immigrant Dutch family. They set-  Our Heritage...Our People by Nancy L.
      age 87.                               tled off Saratoga Road where she and   McDaniel, 2004, self-published.
                                            Omer had 11 additional children.        No family history is ever quite com-
                                              There are several descendants of the   plete, and we welcome additional infor-
                                            Porters still living on South Whidbey,   mation to add to our online version.
                                            many of whom are proud members of

      Fred Tiemeyer and Florence Johns were
      married in 1906 by Langley Justice of the   Louisa holds a little girl, (likely Delight) next to Omer (in hat) with brothers William and
      Peace Hugh McLeod.                    Joe, sister Lena, sister Blanche, and older brother Leo in back. Circa 1916/17
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