Page 22 - Spring 2023_Neat
P. 22

The strength and stability of
                              community banks in Arkansas

           BY  ChatGPT

         Continuing with our fascination with the new           demonstrated a high level of financial stability. According to a
         artificial intelligence platforms, we’ve decided to    report by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, community
         include articles for a few editions relating to        banks in Arkansas have consistently maintained strong capital
                                                                ratios and have weathered economic downturns better than
         current issues that will be written by ChatGPT.        their larger counterparts. This resilience is due, in part, to the
                                                                conservative lending practices of community banks, which focus
         Our instructions were to “write 1,500 words about      on building relationships with customers and making loans
         the strength and stability of community banks in       based on the borrower's ability to repay.
         Arkansas”.  In less                                    The stability of community banks in Arkansas is also reflected in
         than one minute the                                    their low default rates on loans. According to data from the
                                                                FDIC, community banks in Arkansas had a noncurrent loan rate
         following article                                      of just 0.38% in the third quarter of 2022, which is significantly
         appeared as “What AI                                   lower than the national average of 0.55%. This low default rate
         Says”.                                                 is a testament to the quality of lending practices at community
                                                                banks in Arkansas and their commitment to responsible lending.
         Community banks are an essential part of the financial industry,   In addition to their financial stability, community banks in
         providing valuable services to individuals and businesses in their   Arkansas are also known for their commitment to their
         local areas. In Arkansas, community banks play a critical role in   communities. These banks often sponsor local events and
         the state's economy, serving as a reliable source of credit and   organizations and participate in community development
         financial support for local communities. These banks have   projects. For example, many community banks in Arkansas have
         demonstrated a remarkable strength and stability over the   partnered with the Arkansas Community Foundation, a
         years, making them a trusted partner for their customers.   nonprofit organization that supports community development
                                                                projects throughout the state.
         Community banks are defined as banks with less than $10
         billion in assets and operate in a limited geographic area,   Another strength of community banks in Arkansas is their ability
         generally serving a particular town or region. In Arkansas,   to adapt to changing market conditions. Despite the challenges
         community banks account for a significant share of the banking   posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, community banks in
         industry, with over 80% of the state's banks considered   Arkansas have remained steadfast in their commitment to
         community banks. Despite the challenges of operating in a   serving their customers. Many banks quickly implemented new
         competitive industry, these banks have demonstrated an   technologies and services to better serve their customers, such
         impressive level of resilience and longevity.          as online and mobile banking, which became critical during the
         One of the key strengths of community banks in Arkansas is
         their focus on relationship-based banking. Unlike larger banks   Community banks in Arkansas have also been proactive in
         that prioritize transactional banking, community banks prioritize   addressing the unique financial needs of their customers during
         building relationships with their customers, which allows them   the pandemic. For example, many banks offered loan
         to better understand their needs and provide tailored solutions.   modifications and payment deferrals to help customers weather
         This approach allows community banks to offer personalized   the economic impacts of the pandemic. Additionally,
         and flexible services to their customers, which can be   community banks in Arkansas participated in the Paycheck
         particularly beneficial for small businesses and individuals with   Protection Program (PPP), which provided loans to small
         unique financial needs.                                businesses impacted by the pandemic.

         Another advantage of community banks is their local knowledge   In conclusion, community banks are an integral part of the
         and expertise. These banks are typically owned and operated by   financial industry in Arkansas. These banks provide personalized
         members of the local community, which gives them a deep   and flexible services to their customers, and their local
         understanding of the local economy and the financial needs of   knowledge and expertise allows them to make informed lending
         their customers. This knowledge allows community banks to   decisions. The financial stability of community banks in
         make informed lending decisions and provide valuable advice to   Arkansas is a testament to their conservative lending practices
         their customers. Additionally, community banks often partner   and their commitment.
         with local organizations and businesses, helping to support

         economic growth and development in their communities.

         Despite their smaller size, community banks in Arkansas have
                                                 A  RKANSAS   |    22    |      Spring 2023
                                                  COMMUNITY BANKER
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