Page 26 - Spring 2023_Neat
P. 26


                                      “Through national advertising, media relations outreach,
                                      social media and more, we will differentiate community
                                      banks in the hearts and minds of Americans.”

                                      To me, the community bank story is     with these factors at play, it’s more
                                      personal. Growing up in a small town and   important than ever for us to take a step
                                      seeing first-hand the impact community   back, remember why we do what we do
                                      banks make shaped not only my career   and share that with the nation.
                                      path, but also how I define community. I   This is why ICBA is investing big in the
                                      witnessed how a bank’s connection to its   future of our industry with the launch of a
                                      neighbors brings hope, prosperity and   national campaign for community banks.
                                      continued purpose for so many,         The public awareness campaign, which has
                                      demonstrating the importance of        been two years in the making, officially
         REBECA                       supporting one another so all can thrive.    launched at ICBA LIVE 2023. Through
         ROMERO                       I daresay that’s a collective experience for  national advertising, media relations

         RAINEY                       most community bankers, one so familiar   outreach, social media and more, we will
                                      that we almost take it for granted. But too  differentiate community banks in the
         ICBA President and CEO.      many Americans are in the dark about the  hearts and minds of Americans.
         ACB is the ICBA state affiliate.   community bank difference and the way it
           @romerorainey              changes their community’s potential. They   And we’re making it as simple as possible
                                                                             for you and your community bank to plug
                                      don’t realize the tremendous value in a   into the campaign so our reach can be
                                      community bank’s ability to respond in   even greater. With an ICBA member-only
                                      times of need and crisis; they don’t   national campaign toolkit, you’ll receive
                                      understand the resilience and flexibility   access to research and industry insights,
                                      that’s afforded by working with a bank that   along with turnkey deliverables like ads,
                                      is a true part of the community. They   press releases, social media posts and
                                      simply are unaware of the genuine      more that you can use in your local
                                      difference a community bank relationship   market.
                                      can make.
                                                                             Because as we continue to prove, we are
                                      That’s why it’s important to tell our stories.   most effective when we work together. So,
                                      If members of our community have not
                                                                             I encourage you to join us as we educate
                                      witnessed the community bank difference   the American public and our target
                                      personally, they don’t know what they’re   audience of community-minded millennials
                                      missing. When you’re exposed to that   and show them the community banking
                                      impact over time, you see economic     difference. I truly believe this national
                                      development in action—how people come   campaign is central to ICBA’s mission of
                                      together and how local deposits are used   creating and promoting an environment
                                      to support the greater good.
                                                                             where community banks flourish.
                                      In today’s landscape, there are lots of   So come along with us as we shine a light
                                      variables competing for our attention:   on community banking. Because now more
                                      industry change, regulatory pressures,   than ever, it’s our time to shine.
                                      competitive threats and more. But even

                                       Where I’ll be this month
                                       I’m on the road rallying community bankers to tell their stories! I’ll be speaking at the
                                       Independent Bankers of Texas Edge event and then joining colleagues at the Louisiana
                                       Bankers Association annual convention in Asheville, N.C.
                                                             A  COMMUNITY BANKER   |    26    |      Spring 2023
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