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This  rm was born out of the belief
that the ideal model for an engineering consul ng  rm was simple: Provide quality services and establish meaningful rela onships with clients, employees, and colleagues in the process.
In order to carry out our mission, we have created new standards and expecta ons in the  eld. This has been the substratum of our prac ce since our incep on and has been honed through persistence in communica on and dedica on to the client’s needs.
We believe in harboring lasting relationships with our clients by gaining their trust through open and dedicated communication .
- M. Cody Tharpe, Principal
Our dynamic team has been proud to work on some of the most highly acclaimed developments not only in our region but throughout the United States.
We have been selected to provide structural engineering services for projects ranging from large-scale developments
in New York, where our project stands to be one of the few and premier modern mass- mber structures in the United States, to the smaller scale projects that hold equal gravity. One of our most noteworthy examples was refurbishing
From Our Founder

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