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We believe in professional integrity, close teamwork, and our fellow employees.
Our team of dedicated engineers and designers provide our clients with a full range of services for any building project. Our growth has been fueled by a relentless pursuit of the most quali ed and passionate engineers from the region’s most highly acclaimed engineering universi es. Our management sta  brings experience ranging from underwater structural inves ga on and hands-on construc on to university level instruc on and research posi ons.
Our team is highly e ec ve in all aspects of structural engineering, including preliminary conceptual design, cost-es ma ng, design calcula ons, building informa on modeling, construc on document prepara on, design review, and on-site inspec ons. Our par cular exper se includes structural analysis and design of steel, concrete, masonry and  mber structures located in high seismic and wind velocity regions. We also hold a dis nct ap tude for adap ve reuse and historic preserva on projects.
Our Team

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