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M. Cody Tharpe, P.E.
Mr. Tharpe is a graduate of Georgia Ins tute of Technology, and has over twelve years of experience in structural engineering design, structural condi on assessment, and construc on project engineering and management. He has been involved with all aspects of the design of building projects ranging from minor renova ons to $100M mul ple- phase, mixed-use developments.
Mr. Tharpeā€™s experience includes analysis and design of buildings u lizing structural steel, concrete, masonry, and  mber with a par cular exper se in the assessment, analysis, and design of historic structures.
Emily S. Hilson, E.I.T.
Project Engineer
Ms. Hilson is a graduate of the Georgia Ins tute of Technology, where she received the Gulfstream Aerospace Engineering Scholarship and assisted in research, analyzing the use of CLT in modern building construc on.
As Project Engineer, she is responsible for the structural analysis and design of commercial, industrial, and high-end residen al structures, with a par cular focus on adap ve reuse and historic preserva on projects.
Brian K. Sapp, P.E.
Project Manager
Mr. Sapp holds a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering from Georgia Ins tute of Technology and has over twelve years of structural engineering experience
on new construc on and renova on projects in commercial, educa onal, and industrial markets.
Brian has a proven record of e ec vely solving complex design problems and collabora ng with clients and design teams to meet target budgets.
Byron A. Saxon, E.I.T.
Project Engineer
Mr. Saxon holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Georgia Southern University,
where he focused on coursework with
a structural emphasis including Finite Element Analysis, Reinforced Concrete Design, Structural Design and Advanced Analysis.
As Project Engineer, he is responsible for design tasks on projects ranging from small historic preserva on e orts to complex mixed-use developments
Sonny J. Peetoom, E.I.T.
Project Engineer
Mr. Peetoom holds a B.S in Civil Engineering from Georgia Southern University.
As a Project Engineer, he u lizes 3D  nite-element structural analysis-design so ware and Building Informa on Modeling to assist in the development of project construc on documents. He also serves as the on-site representa on for the  rm during the construc on phase of many projects.
Bryan T. Hamilton
Structural Designer
Mr. Hamilton earned a Masters of Architecture from the Savannah College of Art and Design. He has nearly 20 years of experience working in both architecture and engineering.
His extensive knowledge of construc on detailing and Building Informa on Modeling allows a smooth work ow between architect and engineer;
His experience on both sides of the professional rela onship is a unique and valued asset to the  rm.

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