Page 13 - Tharpe_CP
P. 13

Award-winning rehabilita on of the 1819 Candler Hospital Building
The preserva on of this historic structure, originally constructed in 1819, began with the renova on of the 1955 North Wing addi on. Phase II consisted of the original masonry and  mber structure restora on. Furthermore, the exis ng four-story concrete South Wing addi on was demolished, reopening Hun ngton Street to Drayton Street.
Tharpe Engineering Group’s engineers spent many hours evalua ng the structural system long before construc on began. U lizing  me- tested masonry construc on techniques and new materials that were compa ble with the exis ng structural elements, this signi cant structure was stabilized and improved to accommodate over 400 an cipated students and faculty and roughly 15,000 square feet of Class A o ce space.
Lynch Associates Architects
Construc on Cost:
Loca on:
Savannah, Georgia

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